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Overseas Chinese rally in support of Beijing Olympics, against Western media’s biased coverage

Many Chinese expatriates and students in the United States, Japan and Europe rallied on Saturday to express their support to the upcoming Beijing Olympics, and their anger at some Western media’s biased coverage of the recent Lhasa riots.

Thousands of Chinese Americans and overseas Chinese rallied outside the Cable News Network (CNN)’s studios in downtown Los Angeles to protest anti-Chinese remarks by Jack Cafferty, one of the network’s commentators.

The protestors crowded the sidewalks, holding placards which read: "No Racial Discrimination," "CNN, Don’t Fool Americans," "No Media distortion" and "True Apology from CNN."

Singing patriotic Chinese songs and shouting "CNN Liar, Cafferty Fire," the protestors demanded a true and sincere apology from the CNN and Cafferty, as well as his dismissal from his post.

On April 9, as the Olympic torch relay was underway in San Francisco, Cafferty said in a CNN program that goods from China were "junk," and "I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years," apparently referring to the Chinese people.

Over 300 Chinese Americans and Chinese nationals gathered near the U.S. Capitol to protest against some U.S. media’s and politicians’ biased remarks about the Lhasa riots on March 14, which killed 18 civilians and one police officer.

The peaceful demonstration in the Upper Senate Park, which lies across the street from the U.S. Capitol Building, attracted Chinese Americans and overseas Chinese of all ages and of various professions.

"American media, you can muzzle our voices, but cannot smother the truth!" reads one banner.

The demonstrators are also infuriated by some members of the U.S. Congress, who support the Dalai clique for their own political purposes.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Chinese students in Japan signed their names on three flags to extend their support for the Beijing Olympic Games.

The campaign, initiated by the Chinese Students in Japan Friendship Association, plans to collect over 10,000 signatures of Chinese students and scholars in Japan.

At the opening ceremony of the campaign held in the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the Chinese students set up banners promoting Olympic spirits and the Beijing Olympics slogans such as "One World, One Dream."

The flags will then be presented to the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Nearly 10,000 Chinese expatriates and students held a peaceful demonstration in downtown Paris to express their support for the Beijing Olympics and their anger at a few French media’s distorted reports about the Lhasa riots.

The rally, starting from midday at the Place de la Republique square, was the biggest ever staged by overseas Chinese in France in nearly 20 years, organizers said.

The demonstrators, dressed in red T-shirts with the slogan "Olympic Games is a bridge, not a wall," waved both Chinese and French national flags and chanted patriotic songs.

They also protested against the stance of a few French media which have provided misleading information on the Olympic torch relay and the Lhasa riots.

In London, over 3,000 Chinese expatriates and students staged a silence demonstration at a square opposite the British Parliament building, in protest of distorted reports by some Western media including British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) on the Tibet riots.

"Today, we are here to oppose media distortion and media fabrication in the recent events. We are here in a quest for objectivity, fairness and justice," a demonstration coordinator read out a statement.

"As we heard, we saw, we say the BBC on some of the recent events has misled the British public and the rest of the world by providing intensive untruthful reports and biased coverage."

The rally was mobilized via the Internet and received enthusiastic responses from all parts of Britain.

Over 2,000 Chinese studying or working in Manchester and neighboring cities in central Britain held a silence demonstration against media distortion in front of the BBC office building.

In an open letter to the BBC, the protestors said the BBC adopted "double-standards" and failed to provide credible and independent coverage of the Olympic torch relay and the Lhasa riots.

Meanwhile, thousands of Chinese expatriates and students from all across Germany staged a peaceful demonstration in Berlin to protest against the biased news coverage of the Lhasa riots and voice their support for the Beijing Olympics.

Nearly 3,000 people participated in the march, beginning from Berlin’s famed downtown Friedrichstrasse railway station to the Potsdamer Platz, a landmark square for the capital city.

During the rally, the protesters held banners such as "Tibet was, is and will be a part of China" and "Boycotting Olympics = New Berlin Wall," and sang patriotic songs.

Moreover, some 1,500 Chinese expatriates and students staged a peaceful demonstration in Vienna to show their support for the Olympics and their anger at the "pro-Tibet independence" activists’ attacks of the Olympic torch relay.

The demonstration, titled "Overseas Chinese in Vienna Supporting Beijing Olympics Demonstration," was organized by 25 Chinese groups in Austria and local Chinese-language media organizations. [englishpeople]

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Posted: April 21st, 2008
at 5:42pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,web,not ninja-worthy,games,business,weaponry,real life news,et cetera

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Real Onionz: Tomato Picking Slavery

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Posted: April 17th, 2008
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,not ninja-worthy,business,grub,real life news,real onionz

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Spend It Like Beckham?

Soccer superstar David Beckham has earned yet another distinction that sets him apart from mere mortalsa€"but this time not in a good way. It turns out Beckham has the worlda€™s largest carbon footprint and, for that matter, the largest in human history, according to Carbon Trust, a green group based in the UK.

Beckham and his spicy wife Victoria (aka Posh of the Spice Girls) fuel multiple homes around the world as well as 15 gas-guzzling vehicles, including a Hummer, a Porsche and a customized Lincoln Navigator. And between them, the couple logs more miles in carbon-spewing airliners than most pilots.

In 2007 alone, Beckham flew 250,000 milesa€"more than he would need for a trip to the far side of the moona€"jetting off to play in soccer matches around the world, to fulfill his advertising contracts, and to serve as official photographer for the Spice Girls when the group kicked off its comeback tour. In the process, Beckham personally contributed 163 tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (compared to 9.4 tons annually for the average British citizen).

And thata€™s not even counting the carbon released by the raucous cheers and swooning sighs of his adoring fans.

Naturally, environmentalists and green politicians are calling on Beckham to reduce his carbon footprint by making lifestyle and travel choices that lead to fewer emissions, and to help raise awareness about the dangers of global warming. [environment.about]

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Posted: April 17th, 2008
at 7:09am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,life,celebrity,crime,green,not ninja-worthy,home,games,whips,gear,fo' real?

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Bionic Ninja : Secret Book of Ninjitsu

YouTube Preview Image

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Posted: April 14th, 2008
at 6:29am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,not ninja-worthy,film,fo' real?

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Apologies ***Updated***


So, Admin Number One thinks he fixed the problem.AA There may not be any content today, but that makes it a perfect oppurtunity to browse the archives!


Just a quick note to all of our regular readers out there:

Our host has been experiencing some network issues that have affected the bandwidth of our site for the last few weeks.

We apologize to any of you that have experienced difficulty loading or connecting to our site. We are working hard to resolve this issues so that we can improve your MNP experience. Stay tuned!
-The MNP Support Staff

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Posted: April 9th, 2008
at 2:00pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,real life news

Comments: 8 comments

Not Touching It.

Certain things need not commentary but, those a certainly some handsome fellows.

"Investigators determined that there is a widespread pattern and practice of the (Yearn for Zion) Ranch in which young, minor female residents are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch upon being spiritually married to them," read the affidavit signed by Lynn McFadden, a Department of Family and Protective Services investigative supervisor.

[Inside the world of polygamy]

Not to be tabloidy or anything but…

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Posted: April 9th, 2008
at 7:01am by Black Ock

Categories: crime,not ninja-worthy

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Posted: April 8th, 2008
at 1:43pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: not ninja-worthy,primary sources

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"When Hedgehogs Attack!" or… "Hedgehogs Don’t Kill People…"


A MAN is facing five years jail after being charged with assault for throwing a hedgehog at a teenage boy.

"It hit the victim in the leg, causing a large, red welt and several puncture marks," police sergeant Bruce Jenkins told News Ltd.

Shortly after throwing the animal, William Singalargh, 27, of Whakatane was arrested for assaulting the 15-year-old with a weapon.

It is not known whether the hedgehog. was dead or alive at the time, but it was dead after the incident when it was collected as evidence, the paper said.

Mr Singalargh’s lawyer Rebecca Plunket told the paper that her client would deny the charge, which carries a maximum five-year prison sentence, when he reappears in court on April 17.AA [LINK]

This terrible reporter neglected to mention that the supposed victim may have intenitonally provoked the hedgehog attack by throwing a green fireball, particularly offensive to the hog’s sensibilities.

Seriously though, what kind of (pun fully intended) prick throws a hedgehog at someone and kills the thing??AA Hedgehogs have got to be the sweetest little creatures.AA Put this man in jail.

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 12:29pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,10th dan

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