Archive for the ‘web’ Category

What is Web 2.0?

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The difference between this Web 2.0 model and the previous one is directly equivalent to the difference between a rain forest and a desert. One of the primary reasons we value tropical rain forests is because they waste so little of the energy supplied by the sun while running massive nutrient cycles. Most of the solar energy that saturates desert environments gets lost, assimilated by the few plants that can survive in such a hostile climate. Those plants pass on enough energy to sustain a limited number of insects, which in turn supply food for the occasional reptile or bird, all of which ultimately feed the bacteria. But most of the energy is lost.>


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Posted: March 23rd, 2011
at 10:32am by mnp

Categories: green,web,what is?

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Philadelphia Syndrome

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In search of a cure…

The only way to fight Philadelphia Syndrome is to put our heads down and create something great. Forget New York. Forget LA. Whether its an innovative school, a new way to work, or what we’re doing with Devnuts, don’t stop until people start noticing. Stop whining. For God’s sake stop whining. Stop talking about what you’re doing and just do it. Once that happens, Philadelphia will start to be known as a place where things are happening and not a place where things might happen.

The reality is, cities are like women. You’re attracted to the ones that don’t need you. New York doesn’t need you, it’s the center of the universe. LA is where movie stars live, you’re not worthy. Philadelphia begs for you to like them. Remember we’ve got such great art! Almost all cities have great art. That’s not a reason to live here.>

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 8:12pm by mnp

Categories: hood status,life,web,business,weaponry,"ninja",travel,development,education,entrepreneurship,americana,jobs

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TechWeek Chicago

Happening July 22-29 in Chicago, TechWeek put on by MidVentures, is a week-long festival of 60 events and workshops. Host an event, sponsor or inquire about speaker opportunities here.

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 1:53pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,design,development,events,entrepreneurship

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Digital Subscription Prices

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Posted: March 22nd, 2011
at 1:33pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,et cetera

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Google’s 20 Things

Watch the video here.

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Posted: March 21st, 2011
at 2:50pm by mnp

Categories: web

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Is there Really a Tech Bubble?

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Daniel Ayele:

For example, if you were to take five people and individually ask them their opinion of the future of a sector they would likely give you their honest opinions (and their predictions would probably be quite reasonable). However, if you place them in a room together and ask the group for their expectations of the future of a sector, if a bubble were occurring you’d see that the average prediction for the group together was actually higher than the average of each individual’s opinion.

In most bubbles, this type of behavior tends to manifest itself as a fear of being left out or left behind. This feeling, when our expectations of the future become overly dependent upon each other’s perceptions of the future and result in a collective view that is more optimistic than each of our independent views, is arguably what leads to bubble-like behavior. I believe that this can be used as a pretty good indicator for judging if a bubble exists. (Source)

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Posted: March 19th, 2011
at 6:49pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,development

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The Google Panda Farmer Update

Are any sites recovering from the recent change by Google?

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Posted: March 19th, 2011
at 10:22am by mnp

Categories: web,business

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Tim O’Reilly on the Happiness Bus

Talking about the future of healthcare and how he got started.

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Posted: March 16th, 2011
at 11:42pm by mnp

Categories: web,business,weaponry,et cetera,development,health,entrepreneurship,open source

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Mobile, the Web Model?

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Fred Wilson: The business models that work best on the web will ultimately work best in mobile. The corollary to that is that the business models that don’t work well on the web will not work well in mobile in the long run.>

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Posted: March 10th, 2011
at 6:33pm by mnp

Categories: web,cell phones,business

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