Archive for the ‘green’ Category

Digital Bubble Wrap

Off-label cialis cost drug use is when a drug the Food and Drug find viagra online Administration (FDA) has approved is prescribed for a purpose other buy toradol overnight delivery than what it's approved for. Prescription fentanyl is safe when acomplia prescription taken as instructed under the guidance of a healthcare professional. order accutane Saline solutions do not contain drugs and have few side accutane malaysia effects beyond a minor, temporary burning sensation inside the nose. purchase celexa online In atrial flutter, an electrical impulse from the right atrium diclofenac medicine of the heart travels more quickly than usual, which causes methotrexate order rapid contractions in the atrium. March of Dimes recommends that cheap levitra people write a birth plan outlining their preferences during and cialis cheapest price after labor. Looking for products that contain ingredients like azelaic cheapest atarax acid, aloe vera, and ceramides is most effective in helping cheap asacol manage rosacea. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people nasonex prescription generally tolerate CBD well, and the compound features a good safety.

Avoid buying things, just so that you can break the bubbles.

digital bubble wrap at public.aregner


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Posted: November 28th, 2006
at 11:57am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,business

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Watch Out, I Can’t Hear!

10 ways to reduce light pollution from starrynightlights

Ninjas still need to turn out the lights.

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Posted: November 28th, 2006
at 11:39am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green

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Bag Bra

Bra that doubles as a shopping bag, or is the other way around? Say no to useless, singular plastic shopping bags!

video at flixya

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Posted: November 28th, 2006
at 8:47am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,green,gear,fo' real?

Comments: 2 comments

pirates bay house [not the torrents site…]


Designed by Stuart Tanner Architects, the Pirates Bay House is a ‘small coastal retreat near Eaglehawk Neck on Tasmania’s Tasman Peninsular. It has been designed primarily as an informal, intermittent use building. The clients requested a contemporary, steel framed building that made best use of an awkward site and brought the coastal aspect of its location into the living spaces‘.

The [linear] house acts as a cantilever, pushing out from the hillside towards the water [the building barely touches the ground…siiick], in an attempt to ‘pay homage to the eucalypt forest that fringes the site‘.



via Arkinetia

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Posted: November 27th, 2006
at 4:08pm by orangemenace

Categories: green,architecture

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RBL Posse

"Don’t Give Me No Bammer"


music video at youtube

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Posted: November 27th, 2006
at 12:49pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music,green

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Patterns of Extinction and Perception of Corruption

from sflorg

Professor Ian Owens, one of the paper’s authors from Imperial College London’s Division of Biology, and the Natural Environment Research Council’s Center for Population Biology, said: "For the first time ever this global mapping has divided the planet up into small grid squares to obtain a really detailed picture of biodiversity. By looking at the numbers of endangered mammals, birds and amphibians in these squares, we have been able to see how this real picture varies from assumptions that have previously been made about global biodiversity of endangered species."

Professor Owens adds that this geographical discrepancy in hotspots of endangered species from different groups can be explained by the different factors that threaten mammals, birds and amphibians: "Endangered bird species are often at risk because their habitats are being destroyed. However, different factors entirely may affect mammals such as tigers which are under threat from poachers, and amphibians which are being diminished by diseases brought into their habitat by non-native fish.

These are two different links.

Explanatory notes*

* CPI Score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people and country analysts, and ranges between 10 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt).

** Confidence range provides a range of possible values of the CPI score. This reflects how a country’s score may vary, depending on measurement precision. Nominally, with 5 percent probability the score is above this range and with another 5 percent it is below. However, particularly when only few sources are available, an unbiased estimate of the mean coverage probability is lower than the nominal value of 90%.

*** Surveys used refers to the number of surveys that assessed a country’s performance. 12 surveys and expert assessments were used and at least 3 were required for a country to be included in the CPI.

from transparency

Posted: November 24th, 2006
at 11:23am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,green

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Before We Know It

Drought? Bleaached coral? Meanwhile, the Thanksgiving hangover round these parts is major.

gallery of the earth’s changing climate

One possible result of the world’s changing climate is less rain for those places that already suffer from a lack of water and torrential storms for places that have plenty. Currently, the Anhui province of China is suffering the worst drought in half a century in southwest China.

Scientists are concerned about the effects of global warming on marine life. Many organisms at the bottom of the marine food chain are extremely sensitive to any rise in water temperature. Bleached coral is becoming more and more common.

from spiegel

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Posted: November 24th, 2006
at 10:31am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,green

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Another Day, Another Island

Seafarers discover a new island.

article from matangitonga

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Posted: November 22nd, 2006
at 1:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,green

Comments: 1 comment


bamboo clothing- buy at ecodesignz

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Posted: November 21st, 2006
at 12:14pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,clothes

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