Archive for the ‘green’ Category

Electric Cars Will be Eligible for Subsidies

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Details have been released of the first nine electric cars that will be eligible for grants of up to £5,000 in a government subsidy scheme.

Under the £43m initiative that starts on 1 January, buyers will get a 25% discount up to the maximum £5,000.

However, only three of the nine cars will be immediately ready for delivery, with others following as late as 2012.

The government also said that a further five areas were to install charging points after bidding for funds.

The additional locations getting a share of £20m to build plug-in points are the Midlands, Greater Manchester, the east of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

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Posted: December 14th, 2010
at 9:30pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips

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Triac by Green Vehicles

Is there a Triac in your future? Maybe — if your conscience has evolved to a deep shade of green and you have $25,000 to spare on a locally manufactured, three-wheeled gasless electric vehicle with a 100-mile range.

I drove one around Los Gatos the other day with Mike Ryan, president of Green Vehicles, the Salinas company that makes them. A prototype, one of just a dozen made so far, it had a stick shift that will be replaced in the upcoming Triac 2.0 with an automatic transmission.

It’s no Tesla, but that’s the point, Ryan says. The Triac is a less costly vehicle for an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

"It’s centered around what we call the Green Core. They want to better their environment and lower their carbon footprint. We want to do that within the limits of sustainable manufacturing, careful materials selection and affordability," he said.>

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Posted: December 1st, 2010
at 7:18am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,whips

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Rethinking How to Feed the World>

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Posted: November 18th, 2010
at 3:38am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,grub,science,health

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How Much Do We Really Recycle?>

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Posted: November 17th, 2010
at 3:29pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,development

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What’s New? : Ecodrive

Unlike motorcycles, there are no signal lights for bicycle.ASince dangers occur all the time when bicycle is turning left or right in the middle of the crossroad, many countries are advising riders to send hand signs when take make turns.AIt’s because getting hands off the bicycle can cause risk on the traffic road.ATo prevent this, they are trying to get rid of the risk of hand signs by mounting signal lamps on the bicycle.

As commute with bicycle attracts many people, traffic road and environment for bicycle are showing improvement.ABy mounting smartphone on the bicycle, riding distance could be measured and navigation is possible through GPS. ABy mounting a battery inside the aluminum frame of the bicycle, it provides electricity to mounted smartphone and signal lamps.>

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Posted: November 16th, 2010
at 6:08pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,cell phones,design,bikes,what's new?

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Terrarium Necklace

$40.00 from the artist.>

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Posted: November 14th, 2010
at 2:22am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: bling,art,green

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The Greenest Mosque: Putting Faith in its Place

That nature and religion make good green fellows has recently been the source of much media emphasis. Since appealing to the public's rational mind (the planet is burning up, shouldn't we adjust our behavior accordingly?) has been wildly ineffective, then perhaps a more God-fearing approach is more appropriate (use less water because the Bible/Torah/Quran told you so). ASuch an emphasis has produced creative results, including the Green Mosque, which was awarded Best Freestanding Religious Structure in the Faith in Place competition. By combining passive design and sourcing local materials, while also prioritizing community-building, Onat Oktem, Ziya Imren, Zeynep Oktem, and Uri Tzarnotzky have designed a mosque so green, it must have been ordained from above.>

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Posted: November 13th, 2010
at 2:49pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,architecture,competitions,development

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Lost in Translation: Eric Karjaluoto

Rodrigo Teixeira of Brazil, interviews Eric KarjaluotoAabout design- the interview in Portuguese is here.

Nowadays, it seems that everybody is claiming to be "green." But when we dig deeper we often find that most of these changes are little than marketing. How can we convince our clients to make real change? And how can we separate one thing from another?

This is a huge and very complicated issue. Part of it relates to intention. Some organizations are simply unaware of the issue and what they can do. Others are concerned, but inadvertently greenwash, in spite of best intentions, because they don't understand the implications of what they are doing and saying. And then there are those organizations who simply don't care. They fully understand that they are doing damage to the ecosystem, but willingly greenwash in order to protect their brands.

All of these groupsaaside from the lastacan be worked with. Their challenge is largely one of ignorance. I want to be clear here: I don't mean stupidity, I mean that they simply don't have the required information to act in a more effective and fruitful fashion. So, to answer your question, it's our job as communicators to learn as much as we can on this topic, and then share this information with our clients both directly (one-on-one discussions) and indirectly (thought leadership). In doing so, we enable them to make real change.

And for those who greenwash with more nefarious intentions, we need another tactic. Ultimately, they are the enemy, and we must attack them as such. We can do this through both information and action. By asking the populace to think critically about the messages they are confronted with, we can better weed out those messages that are more dubious in nature. I sincerely believe that most people do care about this issue and will make good decisions once the path is made clear. Knowing which organizations are doing ill can enable consumers to boycott those brands and demand more sustainable options.

: Continue reading the interview :

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Posted: November 12th, 2010
at 4:12pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,design

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Cool It Trailer

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Posted: November 10th, 2010
at 8:41pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: green,film,science

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