Archive for the ‘apple’ Category

AppRadio and iOS

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Pioneer Electronics, a specialist in aftermarket car electronics technology, announced the availability of AppRadio, which is claimed to be the first vehicle product designed to utilize the processing power, storage capacity, network connectivity and apps of the iPhone and iPod touch as the primary source for its information and entertainment capabilities. (Source)


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Posted: June 28th, 2011
at 6:12pm by mnp

Categories: music,apple,cell phones,whips

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Twitter and Apple

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But, fundamentally, what’s interesting about Twitter is that anyone can follow anyone else (besides for private accounts of course). That’s its magic: Anthony Weiner can send a picture of his crotch to tens of thousands of people from his Blackberry.

: Continue reading :

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Posted: June 13th, 2011
at 9:37am by mnp

Categories: apple,#twitterisfothebirds

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Jobs Predicted the Cloud

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Posted: June 5th, 2011
at 11:40am by mnp

Categories: computers,apple,fo' real?,internets

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There is No Tablet Market

There is an growing notion that it is impossible to compete with the Apple iPad. The tablet market isn’t a tablet market. It’s an iPad market and it is largely limited to Apple. Does that mean that PC makers have to surrender?

A couple weeks ago, a casual chat I had with a high-ranking executive from a large Silicon Valley hardware firm took an interesting direction. When I questioned the current strategy of Android tablet makers and pointed to lackluster sales, I was told that "of course, Android can’t compete with the iPad." Of course? It sounded like I was the last one to find out what everyone else in Silicon Valley already knows. There is no market for a general tablet. Not surprisingly, that executive asked not to be quoted since it is never a good idea to question a trend that is reshaping an entire industry and has an effect on billions of dollars of investments.

In the following weeks, I chatted with more people at companies that are heavily involved in tablet development. It was quite stunning that there seems to be virtually no hope left that anyone will be able to ever reach the sales numbers Apple has with its iPad. Quotes to prove this claim? Impossible to get - no one likes to get fired. But there is more credibility to such a statement and the prediction that the iPad is likely to remain the only successful tablet for several years, even if analysts are predicting that more than 50 million tablets will be sold annually by 2015. (Source)

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Posted: May 26th, 2011
at 10:00pm by mnp

Categories: computers,apple

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Is your iPhone tracking your movements?

Washington DC to New York from Alasdair Allan on Vimeo.

Apparently yes, the iPhone keeps a file with some pretty scarily detailed location information. Click here to read about the project to publicize that info, and how to see what’s being tracked on your device.

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Posted: April 20th, 2011
at 3:56pm by Black Ock

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Categories: apple,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,fo' real?,real life news

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iPad Glasses-Free 3D Display

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Posted: April 11th, 2011
at 10:13pm by mnp

Categories: apple

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iPad 2 For Every Child

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Start ’em early…

Every kindergartner in the city will get an iPad2 computer in the fall to boost learning, the Auburn School Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night.

Auburn may be the first school district in Maine to give computers to a whole grade level, former Gov. Angus King said. He was in the audience applauding the committee vote. "I think this is a stunning idea," he said.

King introduced laptops for seventh-graders in Maine 10 years ago, a program many educators credit with being successful. via

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Posted: April 7th, 2011
at 4:46pm by mnp

Categories: apple,mnp is for the children,real life news,education

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My Ninja, Please!: 3.21.11 : Gay Cure App

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This is just kind of acceptable, if we were here half a century ago!

Exodus International’s "ex-gay" app deserves to be pulled from iTunes as well. "Conversion therapy" has been universally condemned by every major medical and scientific organization around the world. The American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and American Counseling Association have all rejected "ex-gay" therapy, saying that it results in catastrophic damage to the mental health of its victims. (Source)

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Posted: March 21st, 2011
at 11:41am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,apple

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The Other Side of Apple

Green Momentum has a great post on the lack of concern for the environment by computer giant, Apple. Corporate responsibility has seemed to have taken a backseat to Apple’s power over the masses. They refuse to paricipate in green surveys and in a recent report, "The Other Side of Apple," led by NGOs Friends of Nature, Green Beagle, and the Institute of Public and Envrironmental Affairs, it found the company as being the least responsive to such matters. Apple should be leading the way, not bolstering sales and leaving batteries rotting in garbage dumps.

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Posted: March 9th, 2011
at 7:34pm by mnp

Categories: apple,green,not ninja-worthy

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