Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

All You Drivers! Who Killed the Electric Car?

Why are we still using the same combustible engine that was invented over a hundred years ago? On the real, this is the 21st century and we need to start acting like it.AA It seems like we’re trying to take out the muvva erf once and for all, in as many ways as we can, which is why this movie is so damn shocking.AA You’d assume (or hope, at least) that our government and its corporate puppetmaster would put humanity’s survival at the top of their priority list, but as Who Killed the Electric Car reveals, the decisions that shape and reshape policy are all too often made behind closed doors.


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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:44am by Black Ock

Categories: life,crime,green,whips

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Almost as Ill as a Motorcycle

"A short film from 1976 where a camera is mounted on the front of a Ferrari driving at up to 140mph through Paris. The film was made by Claude Lelouch, who was arrested when he showed the film to the public."

Arrested… wow.

The Google Video Here.

Props to Ian for the link

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Posted: July 18th, 2006
at 9:58am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,youtube,crime,whips

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Modern Day Bridge Troll Taken in on Charges of Drug Possession!

Boulder police arrested a man who was demanding $1 from joggers and bikers that were trying to cross the bridge. He insisted that he was a bridge troll who owned the bridge. When an off-duty deputy refused to pay, the troll allegedly attacked him, hitting his bicycle with a broken golf club. Trolls apparently don’t know the benefits of a kitana blade.

After being subdued and having the cops confiscate a joint rolled in dollar bills from him, the troll admitted to being on a bad trip.

original article on The Denver Channel
via fark

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 7:44pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,life,crime,too good to be true,drogas

Comments: 3 comments

Shoulda Not Messed With Slapaho Tribe

Wile E. Jack Abramoff is up too his old tricks again. This time he’s getting sued by a Native American Tribe for the closing of their casino as a result of racketeering, fraud and generally being a bad, bad man. Check it out.

It comes from Fox News…so it could be fake.

Full Article

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 4:12pm by black octagons

Categories: life,crime

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Mark Ecko is a Punk-Ass Bitch!!!

Hip-hop fashion designer and official herb Mark Ecko, in an interview with Wired, explains why he supports NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-graffiti, anti-youth measures. This is a dude who made millions exploiting the graffiti culture! Needless to say, he sounds like a complete jackass…

Here’s an excerpt:

"Wired: Given that both your clothing line and videogame celebrate graffiti culture, some might see your crusade as self-serving.

Ecko: Ita€™s completely self-serving. Therea€™s nothing hidden about it. Why is it OK for Procter & Gamble, which owns the Pampers brand, to advocate for all things family and baby? I have commercial interests, too. Nike funds an after-school sports program. Is that self-serving?"

read the full interview on Wired

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 11:44am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,life,celebrity,art,crime,clothes

Comments: 2 comments

Enron Witnesses Taking More Shots Than 50 Cent

The recent discovery of a body in northeast London raises some serious questions. The death of Neil Coulbeck, a banker very closely tied to the Enron fraud case, marks the third "unexplained" death of an Enron employee/witness since the scandal began.

After Jim Baxter "committed suicide" in his car in 2002, Enron Vice President Sherron Watkins told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that she feared for her life. And let’s not even start with Ken Lay… Alive or dead, that dude escaped the worst!

Somethin shady’s going on, that much we know…


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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 10:57am by Black Ock

Categories: life,crime

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So we all know junk food is bad, but CRACK in the pringles?

Yes, my ninja, it’s true. The Austin, TX police apparently confiscated "17 cookies of crack cocaine" after arresting a man for giving them a fake name. So yeah, when you’re on the way to your next crack party and you get pulled over, give them your real name!

via boingboing
The Blotter article here
and the photo link

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 10:05am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,life,crime,drogas

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