Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Pick Locks (In Comics Only)

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Free 22 page pdf that explains how to pick locks in the form of a comic.

found at makezine


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Posted: November 13th, 2006
at 11:58am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: crime,mnp is for the children,weaponry

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Weapons That Don’t Exist But Should

Namely, the squirrel exploder. Great list.

Or maybe GIANT SCISSORS [haha dying]:

Obviously highly effective as a projectile; even discounting that, a giant pair of scissors, though perhaps difficult to maneuver, would make even the failingest of failures unstoppable by conventional methods.
from uncyclopedia

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Posted: November 8th, 2006
at 1:02pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: crime,weaponry,fo' real?

Comments: 1 comment

How to do Business in Mexico

Can you live and work in Mexico and not pay bribes? Yes. (I’m lived and worked in Mexico over the past 14 years and have never paid a a€oemordidaa€A in my private or business life.)

and the rest of reality at leeiwan.wordpress

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Posted: November 8th, 2006
at 11:31am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: crime,business,weaponry

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Designer Black Market

"It’s certainly been the trend in the past 10 years in urban areas that are becoming gentrified," said Ric Curtis, an anthropology professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who specializes in the drug culture.

get it delivered at katu

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Posted: November 8th, 2006
at 11:28am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: crime,green,drogas,business,politricks

Comments: 1 comment

Distilling Salt Water

China turns to distilling salt water to quench millions.

article from today.reuters

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Posted: November 6th, 2006
at 11:21am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: crime,green,business,fo' real?

Comments: No comments

Hacking Democracy

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin

Here is a great article from about all the shadiness surrounding electronic voting machines and the new HBO documentary on the subject. Some quotes:

"Diebold has all you could ask for in a corporate enemy — ties to the Republican Party, a history of both lying to and currying favor with officials, a brusque and secretive posture in its dealings with critics and the press, and, worst of all, a pattern of technological ineptitude so startling you sometimes wonder if the people who work there are trying to sabotage the vote…Either they don’t know how vulnerable their equipment is (which they should, as various studies have discovered alarming security flaws), or they know and aren’t admitting it. Neither scenario inspires confidence."

"But actually, the problem is even worse than the film suggests. "Hacking Democracy" does not mention the work of Ed Felten, the respected Princeton computer security researcher who proved, in a September report, that it’s possible to install a kind of voting machine "virus" on Diebold’s memory cards. Felten’s study is a blockbuster: Conducted on the very same machines that will be used throughout Georgia and Maryland this year, Felten showed how attackers can secretly attach a vote-stealing program that spreads from voting machine to voting machine in a completely undetectable fashion."

[Ed. Note - requires you to view a brief ad before reading their content - def. worth it though]

Story via
For more info, also check out Black Box Voting

[Thanks to Pheezatron for the awesome content]

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Posted: November 4th, 2006
at 1:11pm by Pheezatron

Categories: crime,not ninja-worthy,politricks,real life news

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Oil co’s forcing prices down out of fear that new leadership in Congress would investigate them?

Great Op-Ed in the Seattle Post Intelligencer - "Election, Economy, and the Price of Gas"
Some excerpts:

Enjoy the price of gasoline now, because when the Saudis lower production, we could go right back to the $3 nightmare of three months ago…Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, "told President Bush that the Saudis would cut oil prices to ensure a strong economy for Election Day." This prediction has come to fruition…

U.S. oil company executives also possess the power to allow price drops for the election. They have enough room to play — including last year’s collective $100 billion in record profits and Exxon Mobil’s own near record $10.6 billion profits this past quarter. Oil executives are full of fear over new leadership in a Congress that would investigate them.

They are particularly afraid of Rep. Charles Rangel chairing the Ways and Means Committee. Rangel could ask: Why do companies that generate record profits from U.S. consumers receive $7.2 billion in government subsidies? Why was U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, then Republican House leader, allowed to hold open a five-minute floor vote in the House for 48 minutes until some $2.6 billion in tax breaks for the major oil companies were approved by a two-vote margin? Just this week we learned of the administration’s refusal to pursue hundreds of millions in fees for offshore drilling.

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Posted: November 4th, 2006
at 1:06pm by Pheezatron

Categories: life,crime,not ninja-worthy,politricks,real life news

Comments: 2 comments

Smashing Big Brother. Orwell would be proud

Britons are vandalizing the country’s growing army of speed surveillance cameras. The government has set up thousands of cameras to catch speeders; one vigilante group alone claims to have damaged more than 1,000. Favored techniques: "digging them up; shooting, hammering and firebombing them…"

NYTimes story via

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Posted: October 30th, 2006
at 10:34am by Pheezatron

Categories: hood status,life,crime,fo' real?

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Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Snitching (mnp version)

Saw this over at our bro’s site The Brilliant Mistake (an ill blog, not to be confused with these cats)… but nevertheless weAAdecided it needed to be featured here:




If you’re from Boston (or probably anywhere on the east coast) you might already be familiar with the "stop snitching"AAMarco Antonio EnnisAAshirts complete with bullet holes and all.AA Well, that stuff‘s no joke but…

myninjaplease would like you the responsible consumer to do your part to STOP STOP STOP SNITCHING.AA This has been a public service announcement.

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Posted: October 27th, 2006
at 9:39am by black octagons

Categories: hood status,crime,clothes

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