Obama’s Weekend Sweep

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Well, my ninjas, what a weekend. Barak Obama won all three contests on Saturday: Nevada, Washington and Louisiana. Then, on Sunday he won Maine too which was supposed to be Hillary Country. Now this sweep is by and large a result of the huge momentum Barak has accumulated as of late and Hillary’s camp is not pleased. Obama has drastically closed the gap between he and Clinton. They have reacted by switching campaign managers and claiming that Barak has been able to spend much more money than they have (his donations far surpass hers in 2008).


On the GOP side of things it was quite an interesting weekend. Mike Huckabee is proving to be quite a thorn in the side of John McCain as Huck won two of the three races: Kansas and Louisiana. The third GOP contest this weekend has created some controversy, as the chair of the Reps. in Washington State decided to call the race in favor of John McCain after only 87% percent of the votes had been counted with a discrepancy of less than 2% between the candidates. Huckabee has responded by sending a legal team to investigate the situation. All this adds up to Huck giving McCain a run for his money as he has the nomination all but secured. This really shows the reluctancy many conservatives have with backing McCain and illustrates the struggle he will have to rally the party around him in the coming months.  

Campaign Gains Fall Mainly On McCain

After only six months on the dusty campaign trail, the McCain’s candidacy began to resemble the Donner Party last summer. Practically broke and already cannibalizing itself, the team’s first casualty was the campaign manager and chief strategist. The next ingredient added to the road-kill stew was an official with the McCain presidential campaign arrested for allegedly soliciting oral sex from a policeman in Florida. All that was missing from this melodrama was the headline, “The McCain campaign has been sucking for a while now, but this is an entirely new level.”Bob Allen, a member of the Florida House of Representatives and one of six Florida co-chairs for the McCain’s 2008 White House bid was arrested after he allegedly offered to exchange $20 for oral sex with a plainclothes officer. “Cheap bastard,” the officer probably said off the record. On the other hand, McCain had to have been furious. “Here we are broke, and he’s out there just throwing money around?” Six months later, details have largely fallen off the radar, but a totally fictionized account of the encounter would go something like this:

Police told reporters Allen caught their attention after he drove through the town’s Veterans Memorial Park twice blaring “Lola” by the Kinks from his stereo. He then parked and went in and out of the park’s bathroom three times wearing an open cowboy shirt, leather chaps and little else. “That didn’t really strike us as suspicious,” said one officer. But, apparently Allen tried to disguise himself by wearing a John Edwards for President button. “Now that was a little strange,” said the officer who followed him in.Allen allegedly made his solicitation through the stall door, but details are vague regarding exactly how that “solicitation” was made. Allen maintains his innocence, but may have added as he was being arrested, “That wasn’t my final offer!”


Without some kind of miracle, it appeared that the McCain campaign was as doomed as a bug in a toilet. But McCain survived the political Tiger Cages and escaped to the forefront of the Republican nomination on Stupor Tuesday, driving Mitt Romney completely out of the race. Ironically, the biggest criticism of McCain is coming from conservatives in his own party who vent that McCain is not conservative enough. Really? Let’s compare and contrast. Allen’s arrest was only the latest in a number of scandals for presidential campaigns last year. Giuliani’s South Carolina co-chair was indicted for cocaine possession and the southern regional chairman for former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s presidential campaign, Louisiana Senator David Vitter, admitted to using a Washington, D.C.-area escort service. Vitter is a self-described defender of traditional conservative family values who rose to power during the Clinton Monica-gate scandal. “Family values” may explain Vitter’s affinity for diapers, by the way. He replaced Rep. Livingston who resigned as Speaker of the House due to an affair, and who was originally set to replace Newt Gingrich after scrutiny about HIS extramarital affairs. While it doesn’t exonerate Clinton’s behavior, it does suggest conservatives are just as horny as liberals.

So in the face of the evidence, one would conclude the McCain Campaign is just as “conservative” as his opponents. And unless accusations of dog-fighting arise, it looks like McCain will likely be the Republican candidate in November. McCain survives the tiger pits once again; now to see who survives the cage match between Hillary and Obama.   





Get a giggle out of this article. Bringing us (and himself) down a peg or two.

“Almost like what was that movie with, oh, the movie, oh God. That English actor, he practically said nothing. Oh shoot. He was the butler and everybody loved him and what he was thinking and feeling. Do you know the movie I’m talking about? You don’t.” Hers, of course, is the demographic most likely to vote.

 Thanks to the Daily Dish, again.

Mopping up the Mob

Huge developments today in the world of organized crime fighting. There were closs to one hundred total arrests today in New York, New Jersey and Italy today as the Cosa Nostra and the Gambino family were hit hard with charges or murder, racketering, extortion, this, that and the other thing. Bada-bing bada-boom. It’s interesting that the Times piece doesn’t really add up with the BBC piece. The BBC’s piece states that the families were looking to get down with the international drug trade again in a major way, while the Times’ piece concentrates more on local violations. Interesting though, check ‘em out.





Iran, what?

Remember Iran? That country next to Iraq that is enriching uranium and is supposed to be the “Pest to the West” (term hereby copyrighted by MNP)?  It seems that the last major news we’ve seen concerning the clericly run state was back when an NIE (an intelligence report) was released siting that Iran had halted their nuclear weapons development as far back as 2003. Well, they’re back this month, making the front page of the Economist, and American Conservatives are shaking. Stanley Kurtz’s piece from the National Review claims:

Yet, as the truth about the NIE report emerges from decidedly non-neocon sources like The Economist, it’s increasingly clear that the real NIE story is actually a Republican warning come true. Dovish intelligence analysts eager to discredit the administration and tie its hands have not only distorted and betrayed the truth about Iran, they have undercut and infuriated the very European diplomats America’s doves look to for approval and assistance. The NIE lied. Europe’s peacemakers cried. Seizing on this story could bring national security back into the heart of this election campaign — and for all the right reasons.

First and foremost: “the truth” about the report isn’t coming from souces like the Economist being able to analyze it. Now, I’m not going to say that Iran definitely isn’t trying to build nukes-I mean, as recent as yesterday Iran was making international news after the launch of a rocket/long range missle apparatus which would greatly assist their efforts to drop a nuke if they should ever procure one-however, do I think that even if Iran did, somehow, get their hands on a nuke they would turn around and blow us up immediately because they’re just those type of people? My ninjas, please! Of course not. They may be a proud people, but not so much that they’d ensure their destruction to stick it to us. Would it be a security threat, yeah. Would the proper way to deal with that situation be to antagonize them and push them closer to a forging a strong relationship with someone like China (I say this because in the future they might benefit from one another’s relationship with the US)? My ninjas please! Of course not.

So, why is Kurtz arguing for Iran’s importance as an election issue? He doesn’t look like a tough-guy…:


Because he believes that Iran can get their hands on a nuke in the next four years, and if the military option to engage Iran is off the table for now than he fears the international community has given Iran the green light to take this initiative.  Listen, just becuase we are not eagerly awaiting a time when we can strike Iran for being a punk doesn’t mean we’re playing nice. It’s their move now, and you bet your bottom dollar they understand the international community will not at all tolerate their being a nuclear power. And should that even come to fruition, it won’t be a secret, we’ll know. Right? Neither Obama nor Hillary is willing to comprimise American security for a shot at diplomacy with Iran.

GOP and Hillary


Because she has absorbed all the hate and body blows from nasty Republicans over the years, she is the best person to absorb more hate and body blows from nasty Republicans.

-Maureen Dowd

Maureen Dowd’s Op-Ed piece today got me thinking: Should Hillary get the nomination, it is clear that it will automatically instigate a Republican assault on all things Democrat. Barack actually hasn’t been in the spotlight for a decade and a half, and hasn’t had the opportunity to beef with Republicans for that long. Does this offer a something to his idea about post-partisan politics? Would Sending Hilary to the White House ensure at least four more years of intense Congressional squabbling?



Super (Whack) Tuesday

Well ninjas, today is an important day at the dojo, for today, we, the MNP fam, have officially endorsed Barack Obama in his goal to reach the White House.

After Hillary looked down at her speech every 2 seconds and Barack delivered a powerful, from-the-gut address at the end of last night our decision was all but finalized.

I personally feel that Hillary’s lack of integrity, determination for personal gain, and genuine insincerity are all factors in my going from a major Clinton supporter to a believer of Barack Obama. My thoughts used to be that Hillary’s role as First Lady, and having a President for a husband gave her an amount of experience or influenece that the Democrats would need if they had a chance to beat the Republicans this November. I thought she was the highest qualified Democratic nominee, and you know what, she is… However, Barack’s charisma, intelligence, and understanding have all swayed me to support him. Who knows when we will have another opportunity to vote for another young and responsible candidate who can offer us [an attempt at] change? My ninjas, get behind him, he could use our help. 


Feminists’ Clinton Qualms

This is a great article that highlights some of the reasons why feminists won’t be showing their support for Hillary.

I’ve been thinking, myself: would you lady ninjas stand by your man after he made a fool out of you as Bill has done to Hillary in his second term? The bottom line is she needs him to achieve her political goals, but it is at the expense of sacrificing some dignity and self-worth. Am I wrong?

Ninjas Helping Ninjas


Fellow ninjas, I come to you today asking for your help. Our mission here at the politricks page is to provide you with the best information regarding the most important current events and interesting happenings with regard to our government, the international community or any other transpirings that we deem ninja-worthy. We feel that ninjas can benefit greatly from coming here and checking out the what’s what in the realm of news-worthy ninja stuff, and to ensure that we are doing a fantastic job at that we are asking for your help. Should you see some news-worthy material that you think ninjas want to know about, let us know. The more you contribute the more you can help us reach more and more ninjas. So, when you’re scouring the news sources everyday (you’re doing that right?) hit us up with the political, governmental and international news ninjas need to know.