Really, this is one of those things thats just oh so ridiculous for so many reasons. First off, we shouldn’t even be talking about this, because it shouldn’t matter. I mean, she really didn’t even say much – just basically that if they don’t win that we won’t be seeing the last of Sarah Palin.
That said, this is a little bit like your favorite team talking about the trades they’re going to make in the post season – while playing in the championship game. A week before the election, and she finds it necessary to explain what’ll happen if McCain isn’t successful in his White House bid? We here at MNP just think that shit’s cold – and we’re Obama supporters.
Also, the irony here is just killing me. McCain picks Palin as his running mate, in order to stir up the base and hopefully lead to a Republican victory – essentially using her, as we all know this guy had no intention of picking her himself [Where's his buddy Lieberman at?]. So she rallies the base at the convention, gets the crowd chanting and pumping their fists…and we all fully expect her to fall back into the #2 position. But oh no, this shit has been all about her since then – so much so that it might as well be Palin/McCain, and supporters already have Palin 2012 signs. And now she’s making it known she’ll be around in 2012, essentially saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’ to McCain’s White House bid to nowhere. Wow. And I thought Romney was a snake for what he said about MA after being governor.
So Democrats, I hope you’re taking notes [and maybe TIVO-ing this mess] for the 2012 elections – because if Obama wins, she’s going to be jockeying for position in those Republican primaries. A point to exploit if she makes it to the top of the ticket? She couldn’t even be trusted by the McCain campaign – which pulled her from absolute obscurity and shoved her into the limelight. If she can’t even be trusted by the running mate that made her into a national figure, how can anyone trust her to be the President?