Palin Talks 2012?


Really, this is one of those things thats just oh so ridiculous for so many reasons. First off, we shouldn’t even be talking about this, because it shouldn’t matter. I mean, she really didn’t even say much – just basically that if they don’t win that we won’t be seeing the last of Sarah Palin.

That said, this is a little bit like your favorite team talking about the trades they’re going to make in the post season – while playing in the championship game. A week before the election, and she finds it necessary to explain what’ll happen if McCain isn’t successful in his White House bid? We here at MNP just think that shit’s cold – and we’re Obama supporters.

Also, the irony here is just killing me. McCain picks Palin as his running mate, in order to stir up the base and hopefully lead to a Republican victory – essentially using her, as we all know this guy had no intention of picking her himself [Where's his buddy Lieberman at?]. So she rallies the base at the convention, gets the crowd chanting and pumping their fists…and we all fully expect her to fall back into the #2 position. But oh no, this shit has been all about her since then – so much so that it might as well be Palin/McCain, and supporters already have Palin 2012 signs. And now she’s making it known she’ll be around in 2012, essentially saying ‘thanks, but no thanks’ to McCain’s White House bid to nowhere. Wow. And I thought Romney was a snake for what he said about MA after being governor.

So Democrats, I hope you’re taking notes [and maybe TIVO-ing this mess] for the 2012 elections – because if Obama wins, she’s going to be jockeying for position in those Republican primaries. A point to exploit if she makes it to the top of the ticket? She couldn’t even be trusted by the McCain campaign – which pulled her from absolute obscurity and shoved her into the limelight. If she can’t even be trusted by the running mate that made her into a national figure, how can anyone trust her to be the President?

Where Does the VP Belong?


[Image: “Three branches of government” by Nick Anderson, via]

Article I of the Constitution, which describes the authority of the legislative branch, says that “the vice president of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.” Aside from the job of replacing a president who dies or is unable to serve, the only vice presidential duties that are spelled out in the Constitution are legislative in character.

But if the vice president is a legislative official, then the exercise of executive power by the vice president raises important constitutional questions related to the separation of powers. The Supreme Court has held on more than one occasion that legislative officials cannot exercise executive power. The Court would likely dub this a “political question” that is beyond its purview, but Congress is empowered to remedy this sort of thing by legislation.

And Congress should do just that: pass a law to prohibit the vice president from exercising executive power. Extensive vice presidential involvement in the executive branch — the role enjoyed by Dick Cheney and Al Gore — is not only unconstitutional, but also a bad idea.

The most important function of a vice president is to serve as a spare president. Using the spare president in the ordinary course of business is as unwise as driving on one’s spare tire. Spares should be kept pristine, for when they are really needed.

.:Where Does the Vice President Belong? OP-ED -> via The NY Times

‘B’ is for Bigot


This is just ridiculous. Remind any of you Beantown ninjas of anything?

I have to say, I chose this clip because this dude on CNN finds it so important to make it clear that CNN did not run with the story, as some other news organizations [FOX, of course] did. Also, he talks a little shit about how people were trying to make this about how terrible things are happening on both sides of the campaign – which they are not.

Does anyone really think that people are going to start attacking McCain supporters, so close to the end of this election? Even worse – that ‘black people’ are going to start freaking out and attacking ‘whites’ now, right before this thing goes down? That’d just be f$*king retarded people. The suggestion isn’t just ignorant because it suggests ‘blacks’ are violent, and will take it out on ‘whites’ – but that they’re also just outright stupid.

McCain is a Socialist Too


This here is why so many independents and democrats supported McCain on 2000 – because his head wasn’t lodged all the way up his own ass…

McCain 2000 should be brought to the present to debate McCain ’08 – and maybe team up with Obama to kick his own future-ass, and slap Palin.

Note: Yes, this rich white b*tch actually brings up slavery because her daddy has to pay taxes. Wow – poor form.

Let Judges Decide?


That would just make too much feckin’ sense, my ninjas!

In one of the latest attacks against Obama, Rudy “don’t I look great in these heels” Giuliani has recorded a “robocall” for the McCain campaign – “warning” voters that Barack is against mandatory sentencing. Here’s a transcript:

You need to know that Barack Obama opposes mandatory prison sentences for sex offenders, drug dealers, and murderers. It’s true, I read Obama’s words myself. And recently, congressional liberals introduced a bill to eliminate mandatory prison sentences for violent criminals — trying to give liberal judges the power to decide whether criminals are sent to jail or set free.

With priorities like these, we just can’t trust the inexperience and judgment of Barack Obama and his liberal allies.

Um…what? “Liberal” judges? So a judge is “liberal” if she/he actually wants to DO HIS/HER FUCKING JOB and sentence people convicted of crimes? Really? What are judges for exactly if not to sentence people? Why not just hire referees for the courtroom – cut out all that extra school time and money.

In all seriousness though, our justice system is supposed to be set up so that the sentencing fits the particulars of a case – which makes “mandatory” sentencing inherently flawed. And the response from Obama? None, of course – as he actually understands the legal system. There is this, however, from his website:

Every leading expert body in criminal justice has opposed the use of mandatory minimum sentences, including the Sentencing Commission, the Judicial Conference, the American Bar Association, and leading criminal justice scholars.

But hey, what do they know. I mean, let’s face it – mandatory sentencing makes it so much easier to lock people away for longer sentences than are probably needed, keeping modern US slavery alive.

BTW Rudy – if Palin gets in the White House, expect the mandatory sentence for the getup you’re wearing in this photo to be 5 years. I hear guys in drag as huge hits in prison.

.:full story and audio of robocall->via CNN

McCain Defends Robocalls


Even Chris Wallace and Fox News think McCain’s ‘Robo-calls’ campaign is ridiculously hypocritical [that, or this was a pathetic attempt to let McCain explain his way out of this BS - which failed.].

WALLACE: But Senator back, if I may, back in 2000 when you were the target of robo calls, you called these hate calls and you said–

MCCAIN: They were.

WALLACE: And you said the following: “I promise you I have never and will never have anything to do with that kind of political tactic.” Now you’ve hired the same guy who did the robocalls against you to, reportedly, to do the robocalls against Obama and the Republican Senator Susan Collins, the co-chair of your campaign in Maine, has asked you to stop the robocalls. Will you do that?

MCCAIN: Of course not. These are legitimate and truthful and they are far different than the phone calls that were made about my family and about certain aspects that — things that this is — this is dramatically different and either you haven’t — didn’t see those things in 2000.

WALLACE: No, I saw them.

MCCAIN: Or you don’t know the difference between that and what is a legitimate issue, and that is Senator Obama being truthful with the American people.

Is this nonsense almost over? Damn.

.:McCain Defends Robocalls -> via The Huffington Post

Racists for Obama?

[Do you know this man? Because he, my ninjas, is a bigot]

So no, we’re probably not talking about this fool in the image above – but apparently some people who many would deem ‘racist’ are on the fence – and even leaning towards Obama.


New polling and a trickle of stories from the battleground states suggest that Sen. Barack Obama’s coalition includes one unlikely group: white voters with negative views of African Americans.

Race has become the elephant in the room of the 2008 presidential campaign, with Obama’s prospect of becoming the first black president drawing some Americans closer to him while pushing others away. At times, the contest has slipped into a familiar dynamic of allegations of racism and outraged denial – but it’s also challenged some easy assumptions about race, racism and prejudice.

“What you see is it’s perfectly possible to hold a negative view of at least one aspect of African Americans and yet simultaneously prefer Obama,” said Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Racial feelings are not as cut and dried – not as black and white – as people often say.”


Anecdotes from across the battlegrounds suggest that there’s a significant minority of prejudiced white voters who will swallow hard and vote for the black man.

“I wouldn’t want a mixed marriage for my daughter, but I’m voting for Obama,” the wife of a retired Virginia coal miner, Sharon Fleming, told the Los Angeles Times recently.

One Obama volunteer told Politico after canvassing the working-class white Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown recently, “I was blown away by the outright racism, but these folks are … undecided. They would call him a [racial epithet] and mention how they don’t know what to do because of the economy.”

The notion that there might be “racists for Obama,” as one Democrat called them, comes against the backdrop of a country whose white voters largely accept the notion of a black president.

So, what I’m taking away from this is that our country is so fucked-up right now that people who are openly racist are at least considering voting for a black man.

That’s absolutely feckin’ insane.

.:Full article Racists for Obama? -> via CBS News