Category Archives: the whites

Glenn Beck is Angry

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In other news, the sky is blue.

You tell me, should I qualify this with a response? This may be the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Top 10 Most Segregated Ameri-cities

Decades after the end of Jim Crow, and three years after the election of America’s first black president, the United States remains a profoundly segregated country.

That reality has been reinforced by the release of Census Bureau data last week that shows black and white Americans still tend to live in their own neighborhoods, often far apart from each other. Segregation itself, the decennial census report indicates, is only decreasing slowly, although the dividing lines are shifting as middle-income blacks, Latinos and Asians move to once all-white suburbs — whereupon whites often move away, turning older suburbs into new, if less distressed, ghettos.

Head on over to Salon to check out the rest of this article on (and slideshow of ^) the most segregated cites in America.