Category Archives: politricks

To a Mr. Bush

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letter from a teacher

from davidstocker

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Energy Drink Forces Politricks to Stop Sleepin?


This new energy drink, ‘Cocaine’ is coming under fire from parents and politicians, concerned it sends a strange message to children [wow…wonder why?]. Now, we here at MNP are all about your freedoms, and feel that in your leisure time you should be able to do you, even if your life resembles a certain Grandmaster Flash song. That being said…Cocaine, the energy drink? These people wanted the exposure. I actually wasn’t sure about posting this, because it was part of their plan people – dupe us into talking about their product so they get free advertising [speaking of shameless product placement…have you printed up any MNP flyers yet?].

Its claim to fame here [outside of the name] is that it packs 280 milligrams of caffeine in 8.4 ounces….meanwhile an ‘acute overdose on caffeine’ is just anything over 250 milligrams [thanks wikipedia], or roughly 3 cups of coffee in a row.

So now politicians want them to pull the product or change the name…and some stores have stopped selling it. Point is tho, do we really need another energy drink? I mean, I’ve watched people pound Redbull right after telling me how bad my 3 cups of coffee a day are for me. Point is tho, who cares? These fools are gonna make millions of dollars in the end cuz they chose a ridiculous name that they knew damn well would start ish [you know a bunch of people were sitting around a table talking about this before the product launch, and it was originally called something like Flash or Shock].

My Ninjas, Please…

[articles at Newsday and MSNBC ]

[ed note: thanks to Dubs for the links]

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Do your homework before you vote has always advocated responsible civic participation, and that means understanding the issues and candidates before you vote. Granted the process can be frustrating, with the choice between two candidates not being much of a choice at all, but if you are going to exercise your right to vote, don’t be ignorant about the facts – that’s not ninja-worthy and it won’t get you invited to the myninjaplease dojo (this doesn’t mean you have to follow the link in this post – sometimes it’s pretty obvious who doesn’t derserve your vote…)

These should make you want to go to the polls on the 7th – fools like ‘em needed to get voted out:

“Senator James Inhofe, R-OK, calls climate change a hoax, voted against stem cell research, and since the 2002 election has taken more than $500,000 in campaign contributions from the oil, gas and electric industries. He’s also the chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.”

“Rep. Joe Barton, R-TX, is a skeptic on global warming and sponsored the House version of the Clear Skies Act, which would actually increase the amount of pollution permitted, according to the Sierra Club. He’s also the chair of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce…This year he received more than $383,000 from oil, gas and electric companies.

Yeah – they are true – only in America…

More like stories like these at RawStory

Check out Project Vote Smart to get the low-down on your representatives and senators (unless you are like one of the ninjas here at MNP and lives in our nation’s capital and thus has no voting representation in congress – don’t you just love the irony?)

Hopefully your vote won’t get lost or changed by an electronic voting machine

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Hacking Democracy

“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin

Here is a great article from about all the shadiness surrounding electronic voting machines and the new HBO documentary on the subject. Some quotes:

“Diebold has all you could ask for in a corporate enemy — ties to the Republican Party, a history of both lying to and currying favor with officials, a brusque and secretive posture in its dealings with critics and the press, and, worst of all, a pattern of technological ineptitude so startling you sometimes wonder if the people who work there are trying to sabotage the vote…Either they don’t know how vulnerable their equipment is (which they should, as various studies have discovered alarming security flaws), or they know and aren’t admitting it. Neither scenario inspires confidence.”

“But actually, the problem is even worse than the film suggests. “Hacking Democracy” does not mention the work of Ed Felten, the respected Princeton computer security researcher who proved, in a September report, that it’s possible to install a kind of voting machine “virus” on Diebold’s memory cards. Felten’s study is a blockbuster: Conducted on the very same machines that will be used throughout Georgia and Maryland this year, Felten showed how attackers can secretly attach a vote-stealing program that spreads from voting machine to voting machine in a completely undetectable fashion.

[Ed. Note - requires you to view a brief ad before reading their content - def. worth it though]

Story via
For more info, also check out Black Box Voting

[Thanks to Pheezatron for the awesome content]

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Oil co?s forcing prices down out of fear that new leadership in Congress would investigate them?

Great Op-Ed in the Seattle Post Intelligencer – “Election, Economy, and the Price of Gas”
Some excerpts:

Enjoy the price of gasoline now, because when the Saudis lower production, we could go right back to the $3 nightmare of three months ago…Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, “told President Bush that the Saudis would cut oil prices to ensure a strong economy for Election Day.” This prediction has come to fruition…

U.S. oil company executives also possess the power to allow price drops for the election. They have enough room to play — including last year’s collective $100 billion in record profits and Exxon Mobil’s own near record $10.6 billion profits this past quarter. Oil executives are full of fear over new leadership in a Congress that would investigate them.

They are particularly afraid of Rep. Charles Rangel chairing the Ways and Means Committee. Rangel could ask: Why do companies that generate record profits from U.S. consumers receive $7.2 billion in government subsidies? Why was U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, then Republican House leader, allowed to hold open a five-minute floor vote in the House for 48 minutes until some $2.6 billion in tax breaks for the major oil companies were approved by a two-vote margin? Just this week we learned of the administration’s refusal to pursue hundreds of millions in fees for offshore drilling.

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Realest Ninja Alive Act IV: Limbaugh VS Alex Keaton

The battle between Freddy Foxxx and Rakim the Master still rages on. Cam’ron stands in the darkness holding his bling. Martha Stewart prowls through the night. And somewhere, in between earth and hell, another battle rages to determine who is [ahem] THE REALEST NINJA ALIVE!!! orangemenace reports live from the scene:


So…Rush seems to have hit a new low, attacking Michael J. Fox recently for ‘faking/over exaggerating’ his Parkinson’s symptoms. I don’t know if Rush is actually nuts [although I would say probably] or if maybe his illegal immigrant/underpaid maid screwed up the illegal prescription medications in his bathroom [oh, you don’t remember all that?]. Either way, Fox is one of the most recent people to get attacked on personal grounds for being involved in something Limbaugh is against [in this case, Fox has been doing ads for stem cell research…something we won’t get into here].

So check out is this [amusing] article from Slate on the recent verbal assault, and Limbaugh’s general insanity. Here’s a taste:

“I once had a friend who listened to Rush Limbaugh three hours a day. He was a Republican operative. He sat in my apartment, wearing headphones, while I worked. He swore that if I put on the headphones for 10 minutes, I’d be hooked. So I put them on.
Inside the headphones was another world. Everyone in this world thought the same way, except liberals, and they were only cartoon characters, to be defeated as though in a video game. In the real world, my friend was unemployed and had been staying with me, rent-free, for two months. But inside the headphones, he could laugh about welfare bums instead of pounding the pavement.”

I refuse to actually link to Rush, so you can search for the specific comments yourself, although I would advise against it. But like I said, check the Slate article.

[note: Mike’s previously mentioned breakout character, Alex Keaton, was a staunch republican. ah the irony…]

And we’re not quite sure who’s gonna win this one folks… but stay tuned! One things for sure, winner of these faces either Foxxx or Rakim. My money’s on fox. The crown would love to see Fox vs. Foxxx.

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Becoming Astronauts

There are also parallels between Indian philosophy and contemporary marketing theory, which has shifted away from manipulating consumers to collaborating with them. “Marketing has tended to use the language of conquest,” says Kellogg professor Mohanbir S. Sawhney, a Sikh who discusses the relevance of the Bhagavad Gita to business on his Web site. Now the focus is on using customer input to dream up new products, Sawhney says, which “requires a symbiotic relationship with those around us.”

karma and capitalism at keepmedia

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Stephen Colbert : Monarch ?On Notice?


As those who frequent the site may have noticed, we have had a few posts [also here & here] about a great American hero and ninja extraordinaire: Stephen Colbert. Well, in an effort to do our part, and fight the good fight, we here at MNP are requesting that Stephen do his civic duty [and maybe give us a shout for the free press he gets here] and place the Monarch Butterfly [at least those in North America] ‘On Notice‘.

While seemingly harmless [and orange] at first glance, the Monarch is a menace to this great nation. Every spring they fly north into the United States from Mexico. Once here, they feed on our plants and flowers, and lay there eggs….only to return again to Mexico for the winter to lamp in the sun while sippin’ margaritas [maybe not] on the beach.
Whats to be done? Well, a giant butterfly net along the border would be good, for starters…

Do your part!! Email Stephen yourself here [don’t forget to link to this post].
Make your own ‘On Notice’ board here.

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Irony, ain?t it a bitch

After engaging in a massive PR campaign to counteract the depictions of it in the soon-to-be released Borat movie and show the world that it really is an industrialized, modern nation, Kazakhstan’s central bank has committed a small blunder which can only be described as ironic: they spelled ‘bank’ wrong on 80% of their newly-issued bank notes, leading to a massive recall.  Seems as though all those government funds spent on the ad campaign might have been better directed towards a spell check program for the central bank’s printing program…

Story via Yahoo! News

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Cuz the Bush?s Love the Children[?]

So, let’s start from the beginning. Some of you may have heard of an educational program in this country called ‘No Child Left Behind‘, instituted during Bush’s first term [this isn’t commentary for or against that program, which remains controversial as it supposedly encourages ‘teaching to the test’].

Neil Bush is our president’s younger brother, who seems to have been a little bit of a failure until recently. What changed you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Neil is now experiencing measured success distributing a new teaching aid, ‘curriculum on wheels‘ [or COWs], that basically uses various multimedia methods of covering information that will most likely be seen on the state testing material in place due to ‘No Child Left Behind’. It projects videos, plays music and lectures…basically, its a teahcer in a box with all the answers to the test. Backed by some Saudi investors, Neil has sold 1,700 of the units since 2005, mainly in Texas, where Houston’s school system has recently authorized 200,000 dollars for COW purchases.

Now, I don’t want to throw around assumptions here, but let’s all think for a moment. President’s [loser] brother, getting rich off of a questionable education reform system, instituting pseudo teacher-replacing technology, in Texas, with financial backing from Saudi investors. Only things missing are some hanging chads in Florida.

I mean, a machine that ‘teaches’ children government controlled information through sing-song memorization? I guess Orwell and Huxley are off the reading list.

Article from BusinessWeek
Neil Bush’s company, Ignite!, and the COWs

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