Palin + Clinton = Hilarious

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Saturday Night Live last night brought back Tina Fey to play Sarah Palin in the opening sketch – due to her kind-of frightening resemblance to the governor who’s unsure of what the Bush Doctrine is [does it depend on the definition of 'is' is or something Sarah? c'mon...].

Even if you’re not a fan of SNL [which I'm not, really], there are some pretty priceless quotes:

Clinton: I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy…
Palin: And I can see Russia from my house!
Cliton: I believe global warming is caused by man…
Palin: And I believe it’s just God hugging us closer!

But the best one had to be :

Clinton: I’m sorry, I need to say something. I didn’t want a woman to be president – I wanted to be president, and I just happen to be a woman.

.:SNL Skit -> via NBC

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