4,000 and Counting

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As of yesterday the United States has suffered 4,000 military casualties in the Iraq war and subsequent occupation. It’s a damn shame. Peace be to the troops.

3 thoughts on “4,000 and Counting”

  1. the saddest thing is, this number is a tiny fraction of the iraqis that have lost their lives, we will probably never know exactly how many that number really is. I think we gotta remember first an foremost that those 4,000 troops were killing innocent people who never chose to go to war and be occupied by the us military. what a sad sad situation,,,

  2. I read [and I'm pulling a fox news here but not giving a source] that it could be over 1 million Iraqis dead. i think the number was both military from the original invasion and civilians [not insurgents, etc].

    Plus, there’s tens of thousands of US troops who are injured.


  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/10/AR2006101001442.html

    thats from 2006, saying that 655,000 more iraqis died because of the invasion than under saddam [referencing the US' whole "we saved/liberated you" thing]

    and here’s where i saw it was over 1 million – not that this is necessarily reputable, but neither are FOX or CNN… http://www.antiwar.com/casualties/

    meanwhile, its being lowballed to tens of thousands : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17310383/ [also an old link, but newer than the study up above]

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