The Anti-Jewish Left?

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The rediculous nature of this report is, unfortunately, not going to be unique as Obama emerges as the Democratic nominee. From the site:

“Nothing in Barack Obama’s history or his choice of advisers suggests he will be a friend to Israel,” said Hobbs. “On the contrary, supporters of Israel should view a possible Obama administration with extreme caution, as America’s ally is being put in the cross-hairs by the anti-Jewish left.”

Now this statement is not only is this horribly factually inacurate, it’s just pathetic politics.

One thought on “The Anti-Jewish Left?”

  1. The accusations of being anti-Israel equaling being anti-Semitic is like accusing critics of Sierra Leone of being anit-black. Israel = nation. Jewish = people/religon. Attempts to tie the two separate issues together is the work of REAL facists. It’s time to hold accusors of anti-semitism to task and force them to explain WHY (fill in the blank) is anti-Semitic and not anti-(fill in the blank).

    No one thinks Hillary being willing to give Mexico six months notice on NAPTA is anti-Hispanic, do they? At least, not yet…

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