My Ninja, Please! 9/26/08: Country First!

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So, John McCain, previously identified as Skeletor (vs. Obama’s ruddy zombie Rob Kennedy), has once again tried to pull a fast one and delay the presidential debate and suspend the campaign. His reason? Supposedly, this is too much of a hectic time to have a debate… but I saw a talking head on CNN who made a great point: we had a presidential election in 1864 when Sherman was marching on Atlanta. What kind of nonsense is McCain trying to pull?

This is all because of Palin, I bet, not being ready, and being on the verge of getting laughed out of the room when she goes up against Biden. This has already been such a strange campaign, nut now this? Dude may be going senile early.

Since when is McCain, anyway, qualified in any way to help solve the financial crisis? Saying that he has to rush back to Washington is actually worse than a “My Ninja, Please” – it’s a big LIE. This is also coming from a guy who once said “the issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should. I’ve got Greenspan’s book” amongst other memorable quotes.

This is also coming from a guy who has missed 412 votes in this current congress. Yes, since the last congressional election. That’s more than 100 votes more than Obama and TWICE what anybody else who ran for president (including Hillary) missed.

I guess, what can you expect from the most ignorant campaign in history: tax cuts for the rich, drill, baby drill… etc. My ninjas… please?

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