Ciroc Obama

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mnp warlord (12:09:04 PM): she’s a nice lady… but you shoulda picked michelle obama as yo’ running mate
guru jen (12:09:11 PM): laughing
mnp warlord (12:09:17 PM): “that is completely irresponsible”
guru jen (12:09:20 PM): laughing
mnp warlord (12:09:26 PM): hahaha
mnp warlord (12:09:32 PM): i don’t believe it gets funnier
mnp warlord (12:09:52 PM): Ciroc Obama… wow
guru jen (12:10:10 PM): laughing
mnp warlord (12:10:42 PM): what is he sitting on top of that spins like that?
mnp warlord (12:10:48 PM): and how can he concentrate
guru jen (12:10:55 PM): i know
guru jen (12:11:03 PM): it’s a mini merry go round thing
guru jen (12:11:09 PM): on some ghetto ass playground
mnp warlord (12:11:14 PM): hahaha
guru jen (12:11:17 PM): it is like symbolic of like american politics

Special thanks to Lucy for this one.

.::Via -> PerezHilton

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