Krauthammer Conceeds

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If only the Republicans understood that realism can coincide with hope.

Charles Krauthammer believes Obama’s on his way to the White House, despite his contempt for the Illionois Senator’s campaign.

Democrats are worried that the Obama spell will break between the time of his nomination and the time of the election, and deny them the White House. My guess is that he can maintain the spell just past Inauguration Day. After which will come the awakening. It will be rude.

Only time will tell, Charles, only time will tell.

One thought on “Krauthammer Conceeds”

  1. Rude like how? Bush had no experience that was relevant to the Presidency – unless failed businesses and deals with the Saudis counts [oh wait, and his daddy was president]. And Hillary has no relevant experience either – she’s been Senator of NY, which seems to make them [her Obama] even [oh no, wait, she was married to a president...]. You know, I think I get it now: if someone in your family was president, or if you were married to one, then that gives you credentials to fill that office yourself. Sure, makes sense. Shit must be genetic, and exchanged through bodily fluids.

    You think that makes Monica ‘experienced’ enough?

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