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“Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle”

Clinton’s Campaign Management


The New York Times is running an article this morning that questions the leadership and managemnet skills possessed my Mrs. William Clinton. The article suggests that Clinton has recently tried to have more of a hand in the actions of her campaign, but for much of this primary season she has taken a back seat and let her advisors handle much of the dirty work. My favorite piece was the attempt to justify all the bickering that seems to surface in the Clinton campaign:

“She thinks the way to manage effectively is to get a lot of smart people around who don’t agree and let them work out their differences creatively,” said Howard Wolfson, her communications director. “Let them hash through things, and as a result, you come up with the best process.”

Great strategy.

So I dunno if this is gonna work so good. But I’d like to take the time to welcome myself to the world of mobile blogging. Hopefully this will be revolutionary.

Peninsula Problems

Both Michigan and Florida had their caucus’ and primary’s results negated by their violations of DNC rules in scheduling their primaries too early. Now that the Democratic contest is in such a dead heat the Democrats in those States want their votes to count towards the delgate battle. I don’t blame them. So far it seems like Michigan will hold another caucus and pay for it themselves while Florida asked the DNC to foot the $18 million dollar tab. Howard Dean, the chair, said “no dice.”

Now, the Clinton camp doesn’t want a revote in Florida because they won. This will likely not hold up because a lot people didn’t vote on the grounds of it not emaning anything and no one campaigned there. The DNC will tell them they can pay for it themselves or sacrifice their votes. In Michigan, Obama nor Edwards were even on the ballot so if anything’s fair there, it’s a re-do. These States would be significant in deciding the nominee should their delegates count.

Krauthammer Makes Me Puke


Today’s Op-Ed piece from Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post very well may be satire. I can’t tell. But based on his track record, I think he wants us to take him seriously. Considering everything that has come to light regarding McCain’s recent relationship with the FEC over his public financing any reference to McCain-Feingold should be laughed at. Yet, Krauthammer writes with conviction:

On the difficult compromises that required the political courage to challenge one’s own political constituency, Obama flinched: the “Gang of 14″ compromise on judicial appointments, the immigration compromise to which Obama tried to append union-backed killer amendments and, just last month, the compromise on warrantless eavesdropping that garnered 68 votes in the Senate. But not Obama’s.

Who, in fact, supported all of these bipartisan deals, was a central player in two of them and brokered the even more notorious McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform? John McCain, of course.

Yes, John McCain — intemperate and rough-edged, of sharp elbows and even sharper tongue. Turns out that uniting is not a matter of rhetoric or manner, but of character and courage.

Yes, what we really need is a President with enough courage to bring hypocrasy to new levels, and who has a track record of putting himself at arms length of the rules. A President who used to be able to cross party lines but now all of a sudden has pledged himself to the Bush agenda. A President whose campaign rhetoric has turned out to be a message for a dedicated Iraq war “victory.” WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH IRAQ!!! We are occupying Iraq, and in the process making an attempt to supress al-Qaeda (which is only one piece of the transnational jihadist movement in the Middle East). Isn’t it working splendidly? It’s driven our economy to the gutter, it’s taken as many as 160,000 people away from their families in our own country, forced millions of Iraqis from their homes, and it’s creating incentive for generations of good Muslims to resent America. Bravo, let’s keep it up? 

Krauthammer has also come to the conclusion that Barack Obama’s uniter image is really only believeable because of his heritage crosses racial lines. His logic goes like this:

Because Obama transcends race, it is therefore assumed that he will transcend everything else — divisions of region, class, party, generation and ideology.

If you ninjas know a single person who thinks of Obama’s candidacy in this light, I’d love to meet them. Obama is a black man and race has been an infinately less significant talking point this primary season than what Clinton has tried to do with the gender-card. Rediculous.

I Am Scared of This Man

Thanks, as always, to TPM for making this frightening clip of McCain and his evangelical endorser. McCain is getting a press pass in accepting John Hagee’s support. Hagee is known to have linked Catholicism with Nazi fascism, and referred to it as “the Great Whore.”

Hagee has also claimed the creation of independent Palestinian and Israeli states would bring terrorists to America because of our immigration policy. I know, it makes loads of sense. Just watch:


I don’t know if this would have been an issue at all if Barack hadn’t gotten hit hard by the Mrs. William Clinton and the press for not rejecting and denouncing Louis Farrakhan‘s support. But for what it’s worth, this man has no business being recognized for supporting a presidential candidate other than to create a buzz.

The Killing Joke

Killing Joke

The hypocrisy of this campaign has hit a new low with a top Clinton aid comparing Obama to Ken Starr. A couple of weeks ago, it was the “Cult of Obama” and comparing him to Jim Jones. Does this campaign do anything but call people names?
The way I see it, the Obama/Starr comparison isn’t even GOOD mud-slinging. Obama is pushing for the Clintons to release their tax statements not prosecuting perjury. If Obama had brought up Monica Lewinsky, then a retort of this kind “might” be logical. As things stands, it just looks a little loony.

Below are the top five differences between Obama and Starr:

1) Starr released a huge report detailing in sordid detail an inappropriate relationship between a sitting President and an intern. Obama pushed for Clinton to release her tax returns.

2) Starr sought to pursue perjury charges against a sitting President who also said to a national audience, “I did not have sex with that woman.” Obama had the nerve to make a strong showing and threaten Hillary Clinton’s entitlement to the Democratic nomination.

3) Starr had to endure cheesy excuses form a sitting President who made such statements as, “It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.” Obama made such cheesy statements like, “Yes, we can.” In Spanish.

4) Starr spent a lot of American tax-payer money on his failed impeachment attempt. Obama made a lot of money in February.

5) Obama holds up hope for the future. Ken Starr held up a blue dress covered in a sitting President’s protein.

The only similarity between Ken Starr and Obama is they were both victims of the vast Clinton spin-machine. The “Vast Right-wing Conspiracy” meets the “Cult of Obama”. I wonder what’s going to come out of that campaign next? Maybe that Obama has a black baby….?

[[Op-Ed post by MNP correspondent Jill the Shill]]

They Want Her Bad


The GOP really wants Hillary to win this thing. There is nothing that would give them more statisfaction than beating a Clinton in a Presidential race. In the past few weeks they have been dying to give us their input on why the Dems ought to go with Hillary over Obama, or concocting scenarios where she can do it. Robert Novak is one such Clinton supporter. In today’s Post he claims:

The decision to deprive Michigan and Florida of delegates because their primaries were scheduled too early cannot stand in a contested convention.

The force unleashed against Clinton if she wins the nomination would be unrelenting, cruel, and effective. Her greatest ally in the race would be gender, and half of the women in this country have a hard time giving her their support at the moment. You can give the independant vote to McCain in such a scenario too.

Her Time Will Come


[Remember when she looked like this?]

I am of the opinion that the press will turn on Hillary, and I hope they do it soon. There are basic things that the Clintons & Co. have to do that they have not done and that they have not been held accountable for. Andrew Sullivan seems to understand what’s coming and he can’t wait:

The secrecy and paranoia also remind one of the Clintons’ history, especially Senator Clinton’s. From Whitewater through the long nightmare of cattle-futures through legal documents mysteriously “discovered” long after they were sought, to the secret healthcare task force that helped kill healthcare reform for over a decade, the Clintons are now following their long pattern. They hide stuff they need to hide and stuff they don’t need to hide. What we are learning is that these people have not changed. And their sense of personal privilege, their boundless paranoia, and their constant lies about themselves must be front and center in this campaign. Do we want to go back there again? After Bush and Cheney, do we really want another couple of co-presidents in love with total secrecy and above-the-law personal privilege?

I can’t stand to listen to Hillary speak. That brutish, masculine tone she uses on the stump to compliment her handsome looks makes me nauseous.

We Don’t EU


Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that he will not engage the EU in dialogue over Iran’s nuclear energy program. The prez said that the only institution Iran will communicate is the IAEA. A few days ago the UN Security Council approved another round of sanctions against Iran which prevents certain people from travel and freezes some foreign assets. Iran claims they are fully complying with the IAEA’s requirements for transparency. If they were, however, I don’t see why the Security Council would have gone ahead with these sanctions. Ahmadinejad said

“I have to stress again we will not have any nuclear negotiation with any individual and organisation outside the framework of the agency”

I wonder how long it will take for this issue to come to a head. Iran doesn’t want to play ball with the international community and the international community is not willing to offer Iran any incentive to do so. It’s clear why Iran wants nukes, but if they were to clearly and honestly rid themselves of the program the economic and social rewards would be more than significant.

Times Square Bombed


Today, in the wee hours of the morning, a bomb went off at a military recruitment center in Times Square, Manhattan. No one was injured.

‘It was the only station that could reject far more recruits than it enlisted — more than 200 a year signed up — and still claim top honors in recruiting circles. And it was the only recruiting station in the country without a bathroom.’