Archive for the ‘stupid’ tag

Comment Musings through Schindler’s List

Yeah, that’s right.A This is just something random, found when trying to prove how utterly ridiculous most comments are on the internet.A I think we succeeded.

"Schindler's List" is generally regarded to be the best list movie, certainly better than any movie involving buckets. (It's about time someone on the internet took a shot at "The Bucket List," right?) But even though "Schindler's List" is a terribly depressing holocaust film, the trailer for it is still on YouTube. That can only mean one thing: an army of idiots has something to say about it. Here are the 10 most insightful comments about the "Schindler's List" trailer:

10. AZnotCali88
god damn Mexican

Click here for the entire list


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Posted: April 8th, 2010
at 6:41am by Black Ock

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Categories: film,fo' real?

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