Star Wars: uncut
Star Wars Uncut - Scene 046 from BaronMunchausen on Vimeo.
What’s better than watching Star Wars? Reenacting it, of course! Star Wars: uncut allows you to sign up to reenact a 15 second scene from Sar Wars episode IV. When all the scenes have been completed, they’ll be stitch together to make one hell of a ridiculous looking movie…should be great.
If you’re interested, sign up for a scene now - there aren’t many left!
Those of you who aren’t moved to film something yourselves, I sugest you still go check out the scenes that are already finished - some are pretty feckin’ hilarious.
Posted: August 5th, 2009
at 2:00am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, diy, sci fi
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,film,fo' real?,boredom killer,diy
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