Insane Portfolio by Nicholas Wilson
Entitled ‘My Soap Box’, this is Nicholas Wilson’s insanely detailed, hand-crafted design portfolio. This thing is definitely going to stand out from the pack…
This was a promotional piece I designed and hand built. All twelve packages are made from recycled wood and cardboard. The books were hand bound as well as stitched, and the printed materials were letterpressed.
The idea behind the project was to create an experience for the recipient that they could become apart of. There’s a certain mystery involved in opening a package that stirs up unique emotions in people. Its why a small child is more interested in the un-wrapping of presents and the box then they often are of the contents inside. The portfolio inside is my voice when I’m not there to speak for myself, soAA naturally it seemed fitting to make the package into a soap box.
.:Nicholas Wilson’s Portfolio->via the Behance Network
Posted: June 16th, 2009
at 9:34am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,design,diy
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