Ninja Reviews and More!
Hello reader! We usually don’t just straight up address you guys like this, but there comes a time when every site has to tell you what the deal is and let you know what’s going on behind the scenes.
I figured it would be prim and proper (quiet down) to introduce you to our new ninja rating system. Many of our sites in the MNP network do reviews of books, movies, albums, and what have you, including this site right hurr. We’ve now instituted a new network wide rating system. So if you see these on any of the sites, you heard it here first.
On second thought, this all seems a bit self-explanatory. Thanks to Menace for the designs.
As far as ninja news goes- you may have noticed that our site has been running about as fast as a horse-drawn steamship. Do not despair, my ninjas! We have a major hosting switch coming down the pipe, as well as several new sites launching soon. In fact you might have even noticed links to sites to come. Just because the content slows down for a quick second here on the main site doesn’t mean we’re not on our grizzly (read: grind, for non ninjas). Expect things to be running full speed, bigger, better and background blacker before you know it.
Our parent company is also doing big things over at You might wanna check it if you have a sec.
Oh and, when you’re looking for stuff to read and you’re not getting your fix, well why don’t you take a gander up yonder to the top right hand corner of our page and click on one of the super amazing spinoff microsites we have. Just a thought (like gnarls, Read: Cee-Lo, for non-hipsters).
Posted: April 16th, 2008
at 12:01pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,real life news
Comments: 3 comments
3 Responses to 'Ninja Reviews and More!'
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just want to congratulate u all on the ongoing success of your site coming up on 2 years pretty soon. hope the mnp group will take off as well. Kiye, Ryan, Jessie, Tris et al. keep up the good work.
16 Apr 08 at 8:49 pm
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Ninja Reviews and More!
18 Apr 08 at 4:24 pm
thanks for the kind words, and respect for the continued support with comments and suggestions
20 Apr 08 at 12:34 pm