

Whether yours is a small, big or internationally renowned brand, God’s is infiniely larger.

Christvertising is a network of communication specialists and advertising professionals which helps you navigate through the maze that is the world of competitive brands. If you like your product, so do we, but more importantly, so does God. We believe that nothing is possible without the Lord’s blessing and consent. Your product is no exception. May God bless your Brand.


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Posted: April 14th, 2008
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,web,business,design,fo' real?

Comments: 1 comment


One Response to 'Christvertising'

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  1. So… its in portuguese but it could be nice and funny if you could read… for open minded people, to talk about ideas, science and faith is a cool thing. But fanatics always dislike it… in both sides.


    7 Jan 12 at 10:08 pm



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