The Kennedy’s Endorse Barack
Barack inspires me — it’s that simple. In the words of President Kennedy:
"The world is changing. The old ways will not do… It is time for a new generation of leadership."
In Barack, I see that next generation of American leadership: a figure who can transcend the divisions in this country that my family and I have fought so hard to tear down.
We were all moved four years ago as Barack told us a profound truth: We are not red states and blue states, but one United States. Since then, he has matched that rhetoric with action, traveling the country to inspire record turnouts of men and women of all ages, races, parties and faiths. Barack has forged consensus in the Senate on contentious issues such as immigration and pushed through necessary reforms like the most far-reaching ethics reform in its history.
But I’m not only supporting Barack because of what he has done. What counts in our leadership is not the length of years in Washington, but the reach of our vision, the strength of our beliefs, and that rare quality of mind and spirit that can call forth the best in our country and our people.
That’s why I’m most excited about the promise of President Obama:
As president, Barack Obama will break the Washington gridlock to finally make health care what it should be in America.
He will turn the page on the old politics of misrepresentation and distortion and bridge the divisions of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation that plague our country.
He will end a war in Iraq that he has always stood against, that has cost us the lives of thousands of our sons and daughters, and that America never should have fought.
He will close the door on the old economics that has written off the poor and left the middle class poorer and less secure.
He will make the United States the great leader and not the great roadblock in the fateful fight against global warming.
When Barack Obama raises his hand on Inauguration Day a new generation of American leadership will take charge and restore the hope, peace and prosperity the country so desperately needs.
Looking out from the stage today, I realized just how powerful his campaign has become. It’s a movement for change — and one that I’m proud to be a part of. [LINK]
Didn’t his teacher tell him not to end a sentence with a preposition? What he meant to say was "of which I am proud to be a part." …But I guess he doesn’t get paid for loquacity and/or eloquence.
…And he’s not the only one Kennedy to recently throw his or her lot in with Barack.
Posted: January 29th, 2008
at 4:38am by Black Ock
Categories: politricks,real life news
Comments: 5 comments
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yo that picture is hilarious… somebady needs to tell those leprichaun motherfuckers to take off the green hats though… thats just degrading, its not st pattys day, and even if it was you simple eediots.
29 Jan 08 at 7:33 am
I specifically corrected myself doing that (dangling preposition) with my high school english students in France. The students, consequentially, had no idea what I was talking about. They like hadn’t ever seen the word “whom” before.
Then again, they usually have significant difficulty in understanding anything I say, but this was like, worse than usual.
Go Obama. I’ve got to throw my meeger weight into his campaign. Although it does make me think that perhaps I should respect my elders or I’ll learn the same lesson they did (with Michael Dukakis, or somebody else, maybe).
29 Jan 08 at 11:13 am
are u dissing michael dukakis? thas cold… i personally dont care for politics but… im with obomber… bros b4 hoes no? and on a side note… mr o’mcfinigan needa hushup his mouth b4 he get dead.
29 Jan 08 at 12:51 pm
aaahaha, hilarious. my roommate saw someone wearing this t-shirt:
30 Jan 08 at 8:31 am
Not hating on Dukakis. I’m just saying, he got his ass handed to him, by G.H.W. Bush and co. Just don’t want that to happen if it’s Obama vs Mitt Romney (another former Massachusetts governor, interestingly enough,) or whoever.
31 Jan 08 at 6:41 am