Quote of the Day


Nas said that no one he reached out to was reluctant to work with him on this project, and said he has not been surprised by the support he’s gotten from his peers, despite the controversy surrounding his choice of album names.

"They get it," he said of supporters such as Alicia Keys, Method Man, Russell Simmons, as well as Island Def Jam Music Group Chairman Antonio "L.A." Reid. "We know what time it is. This [album] is a small thing. [Making music] is what I do, so this is part of the way I fight. But people all know what we been going up against this year and the year before and the year before. I ain’t saying nothing that’s foreign to them."

Nas on his controversial new album.


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Posted: December 3rd, 2007
at 11:49am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,music,celebrity,quote of the day

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  1. stillmatic


    3 Dec 07 at 11:59 am



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