Juxtaposed: Religion Bookshelf


5,084,000,000 people, 5,360 pages, 3,700 years, 243 countries, 7 books, and 1 reclaimed hardwood shelf.

San Franciso Designers Mike and Maaike have come up with a fascinating new piece called the JUXTAPOSED : Religion ($2500). Basically, it’s a simple hardwood bookshelf with 7 notches carved out. Each notch holds a religious text such as the Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Qur’an, Analects of Confucius, the Tao Te Ching, Discourses of the Buddha and the Torah.

Acording to the designers, "For the first time, the world’s most influential religious texts are brought together and presented on the same level, their coexistence acknowledged and celebrated."

It’s definitely art, because it’s expensive at $2500, but it’s interesting. Do you think the empty right hand side represents Atheism? [link]


Kinda ill, right? Via the green head


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Posted: November 5th, 2007
at 10:19am by Black Ock

Categories: life,art,home,design

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  1. […] another site someone else had this to say: “Do you think the empty right hand side represents […]



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