tokyo urban cammo
Todaya€™s New York Times includes an article on the efforts of Aya Tsukioka, an a€oeexperimental fashion designer,a€A to allay Japana€™s growing fears about street crime by creating a new line of clothes and accessories that double as urban camouflage. In a moment of panic, you can transform your dress into a vending machine, your backpack into a fire hydrant, and your purse into a manhole cover. The idea is for the people who wear these clothes to hide in plain sight when they feel threatened, evading their would-be attacker.
2 Responses to 'tokyo urban cammo'
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yo… ima get a i pod that camoflauges into a fully… thats some real shit
23 Oct 07 at 12:51 pm
that lil kid is probably in every molesters dream. and the kid can get mad if i ninja touched his ass looking for the phone book. he was asking for it (imo)
X da pimp
24 Oct 07 at 3:00 pm