Only in America, Baby
from ocregister
THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTERORANGEAAa€" April Branum went to her local emergency room Monday night complaining of stomach pain and emerged with the biggest shock of her life. She was pregnant with a full-term fetus.
Doctors, who discovered the baby when they took X-rays of her abdominal area, immediately sent Branum to UCI Medical Center in Orange for prenatal testing.
The fetus’s lungs were fully developed, the heartbeat was strong, and no defects were detected. The baby was ready to be delivered.
Two days later, the first-time mother gave birth by C-section to a healthy, 7-pound, 7-ounce boy named Walter Scott Edwards III.
"Usually you can tell if you’re pregnant, but with me, I couldn’t tell," the 39-year-old Garden Grove resident said Thursday, pointing to her belly and explaining that, at about 420 pounds, she was so large that no one a€" including herself a€" could tell she had carried a baby to term.
Posted: March 5th, 2007
at 1:25pm by black octagons
Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true,mnp is for the children
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