Grandmas and the Kids

Facebook is in and blogs are out…

The most delightful findings come at the tail ends of the curve. One of the only activities that decreased in popularity was blogging. Only half as many teens currently operate their own blog now, compared to 2006. Have our teenagers suddenly become less vain and navel-gazing? Unlikely: Pew speculates that Facebook status updates have become the preferred means of self-casting for the young.

And finally, the most delightful finding of all: the fastest growth on social networking sites like Facebook has come from internet users 74 and older. Usage quadrupled since 2008; whereas only 4% had ventured onto sites pioneered by the likes of Time'sAPerson of the Year, fully 16% do now. If Grandma hasn't friended you yet, she will soon.>


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Posted: December 16th, 2010
at 6:12pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,blogs

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