Anthony Lau, Floating City 2030
[The] Thames Estuary Aquatic Urbanism […] gives new life to decommissioned ships and oil platforms by converting them into hybrid homes adapted for aquatic living […] By utilising the flooded landscape, a floating city of offshore communities, mobile infrastructure and aquatic transport will allow the city to reconfigure through fluid urban planning. Wave, tidal and wind energy will be ideal for this offshore city and the inhabitants will live alongside the natural cycles of nature and the rhythms of the river and tides.
[This] strategy for creating a self sufficient floating city by reusing ships and marine structures can also be applied to island nations such as the Maldives. Over 80% of its 1,200 islands are around 1 m above sea level. With sea levels rising around 0.9 cm a year, the Maldives could become uninhabitable within 100 years. Its 360,000 citizens would be forced to adapt and they could become the first floating nation.
Posted: July 4th, 2010
at 2:50pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: architecture,et cetera
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