You Are Not So Smart - Book Trailer
Posted: October 26th, 2011
at 9:31pm by mnp
Categories: 2 hours on the internet
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Phillip Toledano - Photography
Click here to check out some pretty sweet photos from Phillip Toledano. Alternatively, you can check out his photo essay about his late father, Days With My Father. It’s pretty moving, I warn you.
Posted: October 26th, 2011
at 11:31am by Black Ock
Tagged with days with my father, phillip toledan
Categories: photo
Comments: No comments
This is just one of the many clips featured on Sea-Things.TV, a web portal for all videos ocean-related.
1000 dishes v. Hunger
This is a bit late, but better late than never. If anyone has pics of this event from last week, please let us know! All proceeds go toward fighting worldwide hunger. Here’s a link.
It is an event whose aim is to sensitize the population’s awarness to the big problem of starvation on the occasion of the World Food Day on October 16th, 2011.
You, WHERE ARE YOU? is an initiative closely linked to the city of Bologna in Italy. It is exactly in the heart of the city, from Piazza Maggiore, where the challenge to hunger starts.
10,000 empty dishes will be placed on the ground in Piazza Maggiore, as a symbol of worldwide starvation.
You, WHERE ARE YOU? Will you join us to fill the empty dishes?
You, WHERE ARE YOU? With 5 euros, the equivalent of a pasta, the dishes will turn from white toblue.
You, WHERE ARE YOU? on the streets, on the web, with us.Thanks to your help, the blue dishes will shape a tractor.
Posted: October 25th, 2011
at 1:40pm by Black Ock
Tagged with art, charity, hunger
Categories: life,mnp is for the children,grub,contemporary
Comments: No comments
Quote of the Day
Only in OWS…
When I met him, Hipster Cop was wearing a bright red Mister Rogers cardigan and a white button down with a clipped tie, grey wool slacks and spotless oxfords, a smirk on his face. He was the most sharply-dressed guy I had seen pretty much all week, and I work in Soho. Hipster Cop almost looked too well-dressed to be a Radiohead fan; like, maybe he only listened to LPs of obscure Japanese bands from the 80s. But I asked if he was bummed about Radiohead’s no-show: "They’re finished," he joked. "Nobody’s going to listen to their music anymore." - Adrian Chen #source
Posted: October 25th, 2011
at 11:41am by Black Ock
Categories: crime,quote of the day
Comments: No comments
World’s Top Ten Most Tweeted
Check out this slideshow of the world’s top-ten most tweeted moments. You will be surprised, unsurprised, inspired, and disgusted.
Posted: October 24th, 2011
at 11:17am by Black Ock
Tagged with baby bumps, bin laden
Categories: boredom killer,#twitterisfothebirds
Comments: No comments