Life as a Geek
Click here.
Posted: June 25th, 2011
at 11:12am by mnp
Categories: life,mnp is for the children,"ninja"
Comments: No comments
10,000 Hour Myth?
Continue reading here.
Posted: June 24th, 2011
at 2:25pm by mnp
Categories: life,games,weaponry,9th dan,science,2 hours on the internet,boredom killer,"ninja",diy,development
Comments: No comments
It’s almost Friday
It’s been a long week, me hearties [ I know that’s pirate slang, but most pirate slang originally started as ninja slang - Ed. ] and we need something whole-grain and organic in our bellies if we’re gonna make it to Friday. Therefore, without further adieu, contender for song of the year:

Posted: June 23rd, 2011
at 10:28am by Black Ock
Tagged with whole foods, rap
Categories: too good to be true,grub
Comments: No comments
Today in History : US Education
Children are failing:
This appalling ignorance among American young must be laid at the feet of an education industry that has consumed trillions of tax dollars in recent decades.
Posted: June 23rd, 2011
at 8:05am by mnp
Categories: mnp is for the children,today in history,education
Comments: No comments