MNP Reviews the Nintendo 3DS
Pleased to welcome author, Bruce Kent to the dojo- his review of the Nintendo 3DS.
Till death do us part! Nintendo has come through for gamers as well as their competitors alike and have proven through the test of time that they will continue to be the leading figure in gaming innovation. There is no better feeling than to expect to be amazed at the revealing of new toys and technologies upon their release and not excluding the Virtual Boy they exceed all expectations. In our age the Nintendo 3DS has in my opinion been the best step forward in advanced entertainment since the dawn of the internet.
Playing only Nintendo games for over twenty five years I have kept silent up until now about my pledge to leave the safety and growth of a large part of my imagination and artistic development in the hand of Nintendo…but this is too much for me to handle… I need to say thank you for all of the pleasures you have brought to the world Nintendo…and for you future plans. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever happens next will be completely over the top..
Everyone who wants to be informed about what the 3DS is already is…it is simply amazing…to say the least…there is not one negative thing for me to say about the system except it is very hard to stop playing it… I foresee a Nobel Prize in the making…this is my prediction…
For those looking to get spec info or game details don’t bother yourself….just go out and buy one…its for your own good… OMG….I have to stop writing this review so I can feed my new Nintendogs… I can’t wait to see what the upgrade will be like…. Nintendo 3DS.t.a.r. platform! That’s what I would call it for the moment!
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How to Insult a Computer Programmer
In recent exchanges, members of the faculty have tried in vain to attack other Computer Scientists and disparage their work. Quite frankly, I find the results embarrassing — instead of cutting the opponent down, many of the remarks have been laughably innocuous. Something must be done about it because any outsider who hears such blather will think less of our department: no group can hold the respect of others unless its members can deal a devastating verbal blow at will.
This short essay is an effort to help faculty make their remarks more pointed, and help avoid wimpy vindictives. It explains how to insult CS research, shows where to find the Achilles’ heel in any project, and illustrates how one can attack a researcher.
: Continue reading the article :
Posted: April 1st, 2011
at 6:30pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,computers,not ninja-worthy,development,education
Comments: No comments
What Makes You Happy?
Writing what it means to be happy:
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. - James Openheim
No, seriously, have you ever thought about it? Do you live the life you want to live, or is there an unlived life in you being held back by your very Resistance?
Edith Wharton once said that if we stopped trying to find happiness we could have a pretty good time. I never thought about it in that way, but I guess she is right.
Posted: April 1st, 2011
at 10:35am by mnp
Categories: life,weaponry,9th dan,"ninja",development,philosophy
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