What is Zero Anthropology?
ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY in its most basic sense is a project of decolonization, growing out of a discipline with a long history and a deep epistemological connection to colonialism. The aim is to transform anthropology into something that is neither Eurocentric nor elitist. The inspiration behind this effort was the New World Movement (clickAthis,Athat, andAthe other). It is an attempt to redefine the craft of anthropology into one guided and inspired by decolonization movements and by the struggles of indigenous peoples, Africans in the Americas, and various elements of anarchism. The preferred medium for this effort is the Internet and a mixture of media within the Internet.
What Now? : The Imprecise and Disagreeable Aesthetics of Remix
At first I had considered him to be as singular as the phoenix of rhetorical praise; after frequenting his pages a bit, I came to think I could recognize his voice, or his practices, in texts from diverse literatures and periods. I shall record a few of these here. -ABorges, 'Kafka and His Precursors'
Posted: June 28th, 2010
at 10:58pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,music,life,art,web,film,photo,design,"ninja",internets,trade,trademark & copyright,open source
Comments: No comments
The Other French Paradox
Foie gras, creme fraiche, butter, red wine a and lots of it! All these excesses leading to a higher life expectancy, to say nothing of the joys of sinning. That's the legendaryAnow officialAFrench Paradox. Scientists strain to explain the phenomenon: 'It's theAphenolic compounds in the red wine', they say. Me, I look at eating habits in my adopted country: restaurant chains like theACheesecake Factory, "family-style" servings,A food everywhere, everyday, at all times inAoffices like Google's.AMethinks there is no paradox just quantity, 360 degrees and 24/7 availability, as the recent but unmistakableAwidening of French bottoms attests.
If You See Something, Think Twice About Saying Something
The Travis County Criminal Justice Center was closed for most of the day on Friday, May 14, after a man reported that a "suspicious package" had been left in the building. The court complex was evacuated, and the APD Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit was called in for a look-see. The package in question, a backpack, contained paperwork but no explosive device. The building reopened at 1:40pm. The man who reported the suspicious package, Douglas Scott Hoopes, was arrested and charged with making a false report and booked into the jail. The charge is a felony punishable by up to two years in jail.
Rick Moranis:
If you see something,
Say something.
If you say something,
Mean something.
If you mean something,
You may have to prove something.
If you can’t prove something,
You may regret saying something.
Visual Cryptography
Visual Cryptography is a special encryption technique to hide information in images in such a way that it can be decrypted by the human vision if the correct key image is used. The technique was proposed by Naor and Shamir in 1994. Visual Cryptography uses two transparent images. One image contains random pixels and the other image contains the secret information. It is impossible to retrieve the secret information from one of the images. Both transparent images or layers are required to reveal the information. The easiest way to implement Visual Cryptography is to print the two layers onto a transparent sheet. When the random image contains truely random pixels it can be seen as a One-time Pad system and will offer unbreakable encryption. In the overlay animation you can observe the two layers sliding over each other until they are correctly aligned and the hidden information appears. To try this yourself, you can copy the example layers 1 and 2, and print them onto a transparent sheet or thin paper. Always use a program that displays the black and white pixels correctly and set the printer so that all pixels are printed accurate (no diffusion or photo enhancing etc). You can also copy and past them on each other in a drawing program like paint and see the result immediately, but make sure to select transparent drawing and align both layers exactly over each other.
Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate
This is a guide to using logical fallacies in debate. And when I say "using," I don’t mean just pointing them out when opposing debaters commit them — I mean deliberately committing them oneself, or finding ways to transform fallacious arguments into perfectly good ones. (Continue onto the guide by clicking the link below)
Posted: June 27th, 2010
at 7:31pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,weaponry,"ninja",competitions,education
Comments: No comments
The Hopworks Beer Bike
: more info at metrofiets.com :
Posted: June 26th, 2010
at 4:29pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: green,design,bikes,drinks
Comments: No comments
Pac-Man Drawings by Toru Iwatani
Toru Iwatani, who developed the video gameAPac-Man forANamco, brought hisAoriginal 1979 Pac-Man drawings with him when he spoke recently at theAFestival of Games in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Posted: June 25th, 2010
at 7:13pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: games,development
Comments: No comments
Secret Codes
The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with a minimum of misunderstanding to staff. Some places use secret codes to pass information between store employees. These are meant to be a secret as they don't want to alarm the non-staff members or alert someone like a thief to the fact that they have been noticed.