Japanese Show of the Week #14
Oh boy…AA I love this part of the week.
Posted: April 9th, 2008
at 9:28am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,japanese video of the week
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Quick Question
Have ya’ll slowbirds finished watching the third season…
…or were you just waiting around for me to say something?
Posted: April 9th, 2008
at 9:20am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,web,mnp is for the children,real life news
Comments: No comments
It’s On… (again)
Like Donkey Kong. (immortal words those are)
The Sox are back in town and the Lost City is beginning to seem like itself again. Even Bill Buckner was there…AA Alas, for every yea there must be a nay.
Not Touching It.
Certain things need not commentary but, those a certainly some handsome fellows.
"Investigators determined that there is a widespread pattern and practice of the (Yearn for Zion) Ranch in which young, minor female residents are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch upon being spiritually married to them," read the affidavit signed by Lynn McFadden, a Department of Family and Protective Services investigative supervisor.
[Inside the world of polygamy]
Not to be tabloidy or anything but…
Posted: April 9th, 2008
at 7:01am by Black Ock
Categories: crime,not ninja-worthy
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The Forbidden Kingdom
To those that have not seen a new kung fu movie - The Forbidden Kingdom was probably the best kung fu movie in the later half of this cycle of a billion years. At an instance, it seemed a little too concurrent- but fear not as there was jest that even a quadruple blinking kung fu master might believe was semi-respectable. Even though there was much CGI motion, the actors disengaged from the more recent roof battles to existing in only a sole scene of battles above the sky and within the gate of no gate.
The story itself read much like a cyclone and the on screen action was a constant tug of war between synthetically natural and manufactured weapons of duality. I found myself tied into believing that the no shadow kick really was better than just thinking about what the no shadow kick could be. Again I don’t want to give too much away about the movie, but I do give it a solid 3 ninjas for this abrupt attempt at creating a new dimension of how kung fu movies can relate topics that are merely too prophetically sideways to try to explain without the benefit of a kite or two.
The Sole Survivor
The blood in his eyes almost blinded him, but the Navy Seal could hear, clattering above the trees in northeast Afghanistan, rescue helicopters.
Hey, he pleaded silently. I’m right here.
Marcus Luttrell, a fierce, 6-foot-5 rancher’s son from Texas, lay in the dirt. His face was shredded, his nose broken, three vertebrae cracked from tumbling down a ravine. A Taliban rocket-propelled grenade had ripped off his pants and riddled him with shrapnel.
As the helicopters approached, Luttrell, a petty officer first class, turned on his radio. Dirt clogged his throat, leaving him unable to speak. He could hear a pilot: "If you’re out there, show yourself."
It was June 2005. The United States had just suffered its worst loss of life in Afghanistan since the invasion in 2001. Taliban forces had attacked Luttrell’s four-man team on a remote ridge shortly after 1 p.m. on June 28. By day’s end, 19 Americans had died. Now U.S. aircraft scoured the hills for survivors.
There would be only one. Luttrell’s ordeal — described in exclusive interviews with him and 14 men who helped save him — is among the more remarkable accounts to emerge from Afghanistan. It has been a dim and distant war, where after 5 1/2 years about 26,000 U.S. troops remain locked in conflict.
Out of that darkness comes this spark of a story. It is a tale of moral choices and of prejudices transcended. It is also a reminder of how challenging it is to be a smart soldier, and how hard it is to be a good man.
Luttrell had come to Afghanistan "to kill every SOB we could find." Now he lay bleeding and filthy at the bottom of a gulch, unable to stand. "I could see hunks of metal and rocks sticking out of my legs," he recalled.
He activated his emergency call beacon, which made a clicking sound. The pilots in the HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters overhead could hear him.
"Show yourself," one pilot urged. "We cannot stay much longer." Their fuel was dwindling as morning light seeped into the sky, making them targets for RPGs and small-arms fire. The helicopters turned back.
As the HH-60s flew to Bagram air base, 80 miles away, one pilot told himself, "That guy’s going to die."
Luttrell never felt so alone. His legs, numb and naked, reminded him of another loss. He had kept a magazine photograph of a World Trade Center victim in his pants pocket. Luttrell didn’t know the man but carried the picture on missions. He killed in the man’s unknown name.
Thanks to Chris for the link…
Posted: April 8th, 2008
at 1:46pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,life,fo' real?,9th dan
Comments: No comments
Posted: April 8th, 2008
at 1:43pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: not ninja-worthy,primary sources
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