Archive for April, 2008

"When Hedgehogs Attack!" or… "Hedgehogs Don’t Kill People…"


A MAN is facing five years jail after being charged with assault for throwing a hedgehog at a teenage boy.

"It hit the victim in the leg, causing a large, red welt and several puncture marks," police sergeant Bruce Jenkins told News Ltd.

Shortly after throwing the animal, William Singalargh, 27, of Whakatane was arrested for assaulting the 15-year-old with a weapon.

It is not known whether the hedgehog. was dead or alive at the time, but it was dead after the incident when it was collected as evidence, the paper said.

Mr Singalargh’s lawyer Rebecca Plunket told the paper that her client would deny the charge, which carries a maximum five-year prison sentence, when he reappears in court on April 17.AA [LINK]

This terrible reporter neglected to mention that the supposed victim may have intenitonally provoked the hedgehog attack by throwing a green fireball, particularly offensive to the hog’s sensibilities.

Seriously though, what kind of (pun fully intended) prick throws a hedgehog at someone and kills the thing??AA Hedgehogs have got to be the sweetest little creatures.AA Put this man in jail.


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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 12:29pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,10th dan

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Who got that Vocab?!

disApread [di-spred]

-verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -pread, -preadAing.
to spread out; extend.
Also, disspread.

[Origin: 1580-90; di-2 + spread]

aRelated forms
disApreadAer, noun

To spread abroad, or different ways; to spread apart; to open; as, the sun dispreads his beams. -Spenser.

To extend or expand itself. [R.]

While tyrant Heat, dispreading through the sky. -Thomson.

And in a ( mo’better) sentence:

"As the lithe stripper jiggled her now dispread haunches to the sentimental melodies of T. Payne, her cellulite was unappealing to the young ninja, and he wished for a replacement G-string."

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 12:18pm by Black Ock

Categories: who got that vocab?!

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Painted Room


Sam Floresa€™ mythology is populated with costumed urchins and lithe beauties swathed in flowers; he is a painter of masked child-heroes with oversized hands. Floresa€™ subjects convey a melancholy power, resisting the gaze of the onlooker as if they alone understand how the world can be so painful and so beautiful at the same time.

The New Mexico native recently traveled with Upper Playground on an eleven-cities-in-eleven-days European art tour a€" a jaunt that included fellow Hotel des Artist David Choe (Room 304) a€" Flores has literally left his mark all over the globe. He has become a sort of poster child for urban art, creating mass-produced items such as a collectible vinyl a€oeTigerBabya€A toy. A Sam Flores baby tee was recently spotted on an Urban Outfitters sale rack.

Flores swallowed his Painted Room project whole, creating the ultimate, all-encompassing, florid escape for guests hea€™ll never meet. He credits Michael Parkes and Derek Hess as influences. [SFHDA]

Menace linked me to this stuff, which is pretty ill.AA A click on the artist name above will take you to his website, which is off the chains.AA The text of this post and the pic. is taken from off the Hotel des Artes San Francisco website.AA You can call them to reserve the above room, but I bet it’s plenty cheddar.AA Super cool, indeed, my ninjas.

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 8:14am by Black Ock

Categories: art,home,contemporary

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Stockwell Tube Shooting - Documentary

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 7:05am by Black Ock

Categories: crime,politricks,documentary

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Foto del dia 4.7


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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 2:45am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: foto del dia

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Who is Takashi Murakami?

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 2:25am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: who is?

Comments: 1 comment

Stefanie Posavec "On the Map"


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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 1:50am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,too good to be true,design,science,maps

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London torch flame-out a bad sign for Beijing


LONDONAA a€" It wasn’t fast, high or strong a€" in fact, it barely moved and couldn’t be seen at all. The daylong slapstick stumble of the Olympic flame could not have been the sort of image that Beijing’s leaders had in mind when they planned the longest torch relay in the event’s 72-year history.

The torch crossed London Sunday, constantly surrounded by a dozen burly Chinese guards in blue jumpsuits, who were themselves surrounded by a special torch-protection squad of London Metropolitan Police officers wearing bright yellow vests, then an angry circle of Tibetan-rights protesters wearing the bright colours of their flag, themselves surrounded by an outer phalanx of frustrated pro-China demonstrators, all of them circled with more police. One protester tried to grab the torch away from the carrier. Others used fire extinguishers to try to douse it.

For those brave souls who withstood the unseasonably snowy weather to catch a glimpse of the Olympic symbol and its celebrity carriers, disappointment was the inevitable result: What was visible was a dense and riotous sociology of policing and political protest, without a flame in sight. In Beijing, the disappointment must have been even greater.

What the world saw throughout the day, and is almost certain to see in cities such as Paris today and San Francisco on Wednesday and New Delhi next week, was not a display of a proud and resurgent China greeting the world, but instead a show of the sort of colourful and clashing opinion that is strictly forbidden within China. Indeed, TV screens in China Sunday showed only the daylong relay’s opening moments, which were conducted, for security reasons, in a completely empty stadium.


The moment the torch left the stadium, carried by British Olympic rowing champion Steve Redgrave, it was assaulted by hundreds of protesters. At one point, as the torch neared St. Paul’s Cathedral, it was suddenly given an unplanned detour onto a double-decker bus so it could cover several kilometres without protesters. Even that didn’t work, as an activist immediately threw himself in front of the bus.

Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying, who had planned to carry the torch outside the British Museum, was forced to run along a police-lined side street in Soho’s Chinatown, with most spectators kept far from the scene.

Worst of all for Beijing, the torch-carriers and local politicians themselves seemed to enjoy the spirit of protest; many, despite agreeing to participate, told reporters that they sided with the protesters.

Mr. Redgrave, the only torch-carrier to appear on Chinese state TV, told the BBC that the phalanx of protesters gave him a feeling of patriotic pride: a€oeIt’s our nature of being very open in this country, and the protesters got their chance to make their point as it was passing, and as an athlete I’m pleased that this is happening.a€A

At 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister Gordon Brown welcomed the torch, after some debate within his government, but made a public show of declining to touch it.

Some of the Tibet protesters, most of whom said they were calling for a Quebec-like status for the Chinese province rather than independence, engaged in scuffles with the police, and there were more than 30 arrests. Protesters chanted a€oestop the killing,a€A a reference to reports that at least 100 Tibetans have died in the past month during an uprising in China over Tibet, which has been part of the Chinese state for almost 50 years.

The torch relay was supposed to draw public attention away from this repressive image of China and replace it with a populist image of a country that is open to the world a€" a moment that had been welcomed not only by Chinese officials, but also by people of Chinese descent in Britain and North America.

Among the crowds of counter-demonstrators, there were ordinary citizens who said they had simply wanted to express their pride in being Chinese at a historic moment, and felt dumbfounded and disappointed to see the moment overtaken by weighty matters of state. Some said they were equally disappointed by the protesters and by the Chinese government, which has done little to defuse the disputes over human rights and Tibet’s status.

That frustration appeared likely to continue; Chinese government officials in Tibet declared yesterday that they will continue to make plans to route the Olympic torch through Tibet, despite high-level calls from world leaders to route it around the embattled province.

Zhang Qingli, the head of the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet, told Chinese TV yesterday that a€oechallenges lie ahead, as the Dalai clique is plotting new sabotage activities a€¦ all relevant departments must take every effort to prepare for the torch relay and prevent any possible mishap.a€A



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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 1:44am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,games,politricks,et cetera

Comments: 1 comment

a blog def : That’s all he wrote

This probably goes without saying, but five and a half years after I launched this blog things here are pretty much dead. It’s not from a lack of interest, but time. Between running my own business, developing new products, and everything that being a dad entails, writhing pithy thoughts on a personal blog is a luxury I can no longer afford.

This is hardly goodbye though. I write nearly every day over at SlideShowPro covering all our latest product developments, and there will likely be a re-focusing of Dominey Design sometime this year as well. And then of course there’s Twitter, which I found to be rather silly at first blush, but am using more and more to post links and things similar to the "Enjoying" stuff I used to post here. So if for whatever reason you’d like to know what I’m up to, those are the best places to look. via

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Posted: April 7th, 2008
at 1:24am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web

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