Ancient Mass Extinctions Caused by Cosmic Radiation, Scientists Say
The Kansas researchers discovered that high rates of extinction in the cycle coincide almost perfectly with periodic "excursions" of the solar system outside the central plane of the Milky Way galaxy.
"Excursions to galactic north coincide with drops in biodiversity," Melott said.
During these periods, which include some of the largest mass extinctions known from the fossil record, Earth is bombarded with high levels of cosmic radiation.
As for what lies ahead, the news is mixed. The solar system has recently passed the galactic mid-plane and is on its way up, Melott said, which could mean greater exposure to radiation.
But, he added, "the next cosmic ray effect is about ten million years ahead of us."
Posted: May 22nd, 2007
at 1:10pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: web,real life news
Comments: No comments
People sleep on brownies like the tooth fairy and shi#
By now you’ve probably heard about it, but I mean, damn.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Posted: May 22nd, 2007
at 12:58pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,crime,drogas,grub,real life news
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Fi Tru’
We here at mnp feel like we might be spilling the beans and giving away some sort of monumental secret by giving you this juicy little link.AA Especially since it’s a very ill couple of playlists for all those who enjoy reggae.AA Check out Virginia Reggae Radio.
Don’t hog all the bandwidth or we’ll come after ya.AA But share and share alike right?
Posted: May 21st, 2007
at 12:01pm by black octagons
Categories: hood status,music,life
Comments: No comments
Dan Hisel and the Z-Box
Cruise on over to arch.mnp and check out Dan Hisel and the Z-Box, and remember, you heard it here first.
Posted: May 21st, 2007
at 11:49am by black octagons
Categories: home,architecture
Comments: No comments
Interviews, My Ninjas!
So if you don’t read our music page at least occasionally, you probably should. Currently we have 4 ridiculously tight interviews over on our music page dor your consumption. These artists have agreed to give myninjaplease a little bit of their time so that you can get to know them better. The interviews are guaranteed to satisfy, or your money back.
music.mnp interviews:
The Hip Hop Family Affair: The Jugganots
DJ Kool Akiem - Rap’s 5-Star Funk General
Jalani Horton from Reggae Group Bambu Station
DJ Child from Project Groundation
All interviews are conducted by main ninja Trizlam. Hit him up with questions, comments or feedback.
Posted: May 18th, 2007
at 4:42pm by black octagons
Categories: hood status,music,celebrity
Comments: No comments
CNN Is An Awful Tease
My heart was set all a-twitter when I encountered this gem during my daily news trolling:
But alas, those two glorious words were naught but a typo flashed across the screen for a delicious 12 seconds. While Bush’s English counterpart has gracefully announced his resignation as Prime Minister, our own chickenhawk remains steadfastly in his coop, head forever in the sand.
Posted: May 17th, 2007
at 10:53am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: too good to be true,politricks
Comments: 1 comment