Archive for the ‘diy’ Category

Information Overload

How to deal with information overload? Consume information consciously, practice attention fitness and breathe.

"As long as the centuries continue to unfold, the number of books will grow continually, and one can predict that a time will come when it will be almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from the direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes." - Denis Diderot>


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DIY: RBox : 32 Bits for the Price of a Latte

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The RBox is a game console that is simple enough to build on the prototype area of a dev kit; no pcb required just a crystal, a few capacitors and resistors.>

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Posted: June 28th, 2010
at 11:22pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,diy

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DIY: USB Business Card>

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Posted: June 16th, 2010
at 9:41pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,too good to be true,weaponry,design,"ninja",diy,trade

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How to Afford Anything

Extensive guide from Ken Rockwell (2008)>

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The War of Art: Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, on virtue, resistance, going pro, slaying the dragon and Anti-tribes.

"The power is in your hands.">

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Posted: May 23rd, 2010
at 1:31pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,art,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,9th dan,"ninja",et cetera,diy,development,blogs,internets,philosophy,ir

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DIY: LED Data-Lit Cube

LED Cube A. Housing B. Multi-colored LED C. Arduino microcontroller D. Perfboard John B. Carnett

Time: 1 Hour
Cost: $95
Easy: 3/5>

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Posted: May 16th, 2010
at 1:47pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,diy

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Ninja For Hire

The Wall Street Journal investigates the path and rise of the job title, "ninja." Over 800 self-titled ninjas are now public on LinkedIn- but is the ninja always a ninja or can they become a samurai?

The phenomenon started in 2003 and apparently really began to take off last year. Jinichi Kawakami, one of the last living ninjas in Iga, Japan, insists that "ninjas aren’t assassins and a real ninja must have stealth, intelligence, a righteous heart and patience."

Anyways, watch the video my ninjas..

thanks to orangemenace for the link

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Defining Digital Down

[Interview with Jamin Winans of Ink on piracy]

ed. note:AMNP does not condone any form of unabridged piracy, but does support rapid movements in making information free. So be careful my ninjas!

In the far away lands and home of counterfeiting and obscene film production numbers like Bollywood (India), Nollywood (Nigeria) and China, piracy has taken over a new meaning.

Instead of hurting the film industry, it is an essential part to properly promoting a film, as crowds seek an air-conditioned reward for their patronageAat "high-tech" theaters. While the cost between legitimate and pirated copies reaches parity, the only markets that are hurt in the process are the export markets, but those do not define a movie’s true success.

Digital down as it seems will be the future of Hollywood- once we realize that information can not be worth anything.>

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Posted: April 6th, 2010
at 6:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,business,film,diy,internets

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Time to Rethink Design

David Carlson of the David Report has released a new trend look at the state of a full design world. Design contamination has taken over an expertise that is barely 100 years old; new products are simply the variations of old themes- (conceptual design, new articulations of the same, design signatures and design as art).

However if we are able to get back to using aging products and making design matter in a lifecycle, there is a cleaner horizon.

Designer Naoto Fukasawa: "I understand that myArole is about enhancing our living…. I've become moreAattached to the current life, and have started considering the betterment of our lives in a reality where we allAbelong, rather than predicting what could happen".

We need new storytellers:

Fred Alan Wolf - The Dreaming Universe (1994):A"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time: two parallelAstreams of activity. One is the daily objective activity,Athe other is an infinite spiritual cycle, called dreamtime,Amore real than reality itself…".

Carlson poses a great question, how do we A"change old habits and not to perpetuate the sales argument that the main role of designAis added value."

Read the full report in one of three forms: PDF, Flip Through Version or Text

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