DIY : Prepare for a Talk Checklist
Posted: June 28th, 2011
at 10:07pm by mnp
Categories: weaponry,diy,development,lists
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My Ninja, Please! 6.27.11 : Frederick Kaufman : Wallmart to the Farm
After the the e-coli scare, people decided to self-regulate food metrics, what follows is an interesting journey of the tomato…what is sustainable food?
Posted: June 27th, 2011
at 3:46pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,green,business,mnp is for the children,weaponry,grub,science,diy,development,health,innovation
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10,000 Hour Myth?
Continue reading here.
Posted: June 24th, 2011
at 2:25pm by mnp
Categories: life,games,weaponry,9th dan,science,2 hours on the internet,boredom killer,"ninja",diy,development
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DIY : Running a Successful Business
It’s to easy to say "Yes". Make it instead a habit to say "No" by default. You will miss opportunities but it’s better to focus on a handful of things than trying to do everything. This gives you the chance to focus on the important stuff. Tell yourself "The plate is full!". You will reach a point where your plate is full. Don’t ignore this and stop saying yes to everything. It’s okay to say no.
Constraints are another great option to ensure you stay on track and focus on the important. By setting constraints, like working only 10 hours a week on project X, you create an productivity environment. In this environment is no time and place to do non-relevant bullshit tasks. You have to figure out what’s the important stuff, or you will not progress with the project.
: Continue reading the article :
Posted: May 30th, 2011
at 9:28pm by mnp
Categories: business,diy,development,entrepreneurship
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DIY Levees
All of that water pouring out of spillways and topping levees up and down the Mississippi River has to go somewhere, and many living in those areas prone to flooding have taken drastic action to keep from being inundated. In what could be called a testament to the human instinct to protect hearth and home, some in the disaster zone are holding out by taking civil engineering into their own hands, building makeshift levees to keep the rising waters at bay. (Source)
DIY : Stop Cats Pissing On Your Car
Posted: May 13th, 2011
at 9:48am by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,whips,fo' real?,diy,10th dan
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