2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards
The 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), the premier international competition for students taking a full course load while running a revenue-generating business, today announced the top 20 colleges and universities with the most student nominations to the competition. More than 1600 student business owners from 42 countries were nominated for the 2011 competition, a program of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). (Read on)
Posted: November 16th, 2011
at 10:39pm by mnp
Categories: competitions,education,entrepreneurship
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Applied Sciences NYC - Silicon Alley Grows
Universities are competing for Roosevelt Island rights, among other places, as a part of a new economic corporation plan, Applied Sciences NYC:
The proposals contain plans for new facilities ranging from just under 400,000 square feet to over 2 million square feet. The institutions propose private investments of more than $800 million in the first phases of their projects, with long-term plans to involve private investment of more than $2.5 billion. The institutions propose to add hundreds of top-tier faculty members, and thousands of new graduate students. Proposals feature plans for new lab, classroom and research space, new public open space, and space for companies that will spin out from these institutions.
Responding institutions said they will be focusing on areas including information technology, digital media, sustainable urban growth, electrical engineering, public health, genome sequencing and computer science. Many proposals contain plans for establishing connections to local K-12 education programs, providing local residents with access to their institutions, and participating in local hiring and Minority and Women-owned Business contracting programs. While the exact amounts differ, all of the proposals envision acceptance of some combination of City-controlled land as well as City capital.
With cities becoming city-states, the true capital will be found in the mayors that bring a populous to life, but can New York City really par up?
Posted: November 12th, 2011
at 3:36pm by mnp
Categories: green,architecture,science,competitions,education,entrepreneurship,innovation
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Party for a Cause with Donor’s Choose
Philanthro is throwing a five city party (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York) on 11.11.11 to raise money for Donor’s Choose to secure funding for $88 million in books, art supplies, technology and other resources that their students need to learn…
Posted: October 28th, 2011
at 2:01am by mnp
Categories: philanthropy,events,education
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Unclear on the Concept : Public Schools
Temporary relocation centers, or rubberrooms are the inspiration for a new book called, Class Warfare, a book that is bringing accountability to education reform.

[Teaching] is the only workplace, the only occupation, where by and large you are not paid, promoted, recognized, measured in any way having to do with your performance, only having to do with how long you’ve been breathing
Posted: October 27th, 2011
at 12:55pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,et cetera,education,unclear on the concept
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Computer Science Challenge
Learning an entire undergraduate curriculum for computer science in a year, without taking any classes…
Posted: September 28th, 2011
at 7:08pm by mnp
Categories: computers,competitions,education
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Myths of a Startup: MBA Edition
Posted: August 23rd, 2011
at 7:16am by mnp
Categories: business,blogs,education,entrepreneurship
Comments: No comments
Reading to a Dog Helps Ability and Attitude
: Continue reading the article :
Posted: August 12th, 2011
at 9:32am by mnp
Categories: science,10th dan,education
Comments: No comments
The End of the Dinosaur
Humans are here today, but recently found dinosaurs by scientists offer a new theory.