MY NINJA PLEASE! 7.3.08 : WorldsNest :: Habitat Universe
I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again. DO NOT SLEEP ::: via WorldsNest
Posted: July 3rd, 2008
at 6:20pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,life,celebrity,art,too good to be true,green,web,home,business,whips,robots,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,gear,architecture,contemporary,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan,science,2 hours on the internet,boredom killer,walk the earf,"ninja",et cetera,diy,10th dan,travel
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Prospect Magazine : Top 25 Intellectuals
2 Muhammad Yunus (*)
3 Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (56)
6 Amr Khaled (*)
7 Abdolkarim Soroush (15)
8 Tariq Ramadan (58)
9 Mahmood Mamdani (*)
10 Shirin Ebadi (12)
11 Noam Chomsky (1)
12 Al Gore (*)
13 Bernard Lewis (34)
14 Umberto Eco (2)
15 Ayaan Hirsi Ali
16 Amartya Sen (8)
17 Fareed Zakaria (35)
18 Garry Kasparov (*)
19 Richard Dawkins (3)
20 Mario Vargas Llosa (29)
21 Lee Smolin (*)
22 JAArgen Habermas (7)
23 Salman Rushdie (10)
24 Sari Nusseibeh (65)
25 Slavoj Zizek (23)
Posted: July 2nd, 2008
at 6:54am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,celebrity,web,games,weaponry,fo' real?,9th dan,"ninja",et cetera,competitions
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Court gives detainees habeas rights
In a stunning blow to the Bush Administration in its war-on-terrorism policies, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign nationals held at Guantanamo Bay have a right to pursue habeas challenges to their detention. The Court, dividing 5-4, ruled that Congress had not validly taken away habeas rights. If Congress wishes to suspend habeas, it must do so only as the Constitution allows a€" when the country faces rebellion or invasion.
The Court stressed that it was not ruling that the detainees are entitled to be released a€" that is, entitled to have writs issued to end their confinement. That issue, it said, is left to the District Court judges who will be hearing the challenges. The Court also said that a€oewe do not address whether the President has authority to detaina€A individuals during the war on terrorism, and hold them at the U.S. Naval base in Cuba; that, too, it said, is to be considered first by the District judges.
The Court also declared that detainees do not have to go through the special civilian court review process that Congress created in 2005, since that is not an adequate substitute for habeas rights. The Court refused to interpret the Detainee Treatment Act a€" as the Bush Administration had suggested a€" to include enough legal protection to make it an adequate replacement for habeas. Congress, it concluded, unconstitutionally suspended the writ in enacting that Act.
The Court also found serious defects in the process that the Pentagon set up in 2004 to decide which prisoners are to be designated as a€oeenemy combatantsa€A a€" the status that leads to their continued confinement. This process is the system of so-called Combatant Status Review Tribunals. The procedures used by CSRTs, the Court said, a€oefall well short of the procedures and adversarial mechanisms that would eliminate the need for habeas corpus review.a€A
Justice Anthony M. Kennedya€™s opinion for the majority in Boumediene v. Bush (06-1195) and Al Odah v. U.S. (06-1196) was an almost rhapsodic review of the history of the Great Writ. The Suspension Clause, he wrote, a€oeprotects the rights of the detained by a means consistent with the essential design of the Constitution. It ensures that, except during periods of formal suspension, the Judiciary will have a time-tested device, the writ, to maintain the a€delicate balance of governancea€™ that is itself the surest safeguard of liberty.a€A Those who wrote the Constitution, he added, a€oedeemed the writ to be an essential mechanism in the separation-of-powers scheme.a€A
Even though the two political branches a€" the President and Congress a€" had agreed to take away the detaineesa€™ habeas rights, Kennedy said those branches do not have a€oethe power to switch the Constitution on or off at will.a€A
In a second ruling on habeas, the Court decided unanimously that U.S. citizens held by U.S. military forces in Iraq have a right to file habeas cases, because it does extend to them, but it went on to rule that federal judges do not have any authority to bar the transfer of those individuals to Iraqi authorites to face prosecution or punishment for crimes committed in that country in violation of Iraqi laws.
via scotusblog
Posted: June 12th, 2008
at 9:58pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,too good to be true,web,not ninja-worthy,home,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan,"ninja",et cetera
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Unlike Others, U.S. Defends Freedom to Offend in Speech
VANCOUVER, British Columbia a€" A couple of years ago, a Canadian magazine published an article arguing that the rise of Islam threatened Western values. The articlea€™s tone was mocking and biting, but it said nothing that conservative magazines and blogs in the United States do not say every day without fear of legal reprisal.
Things are different here. The magazine is on trial.
Two members of the Canadian Islamic Congress say the magazine, Macleana€™s, Canadaa€™s leading newsweekly, violated a provincial hate speech law by stirring up hatred against Muslims. They say the magazine should be forbidden from saying similar things, forced to publish a rebuttal and made to compensate Muslims for injuring their a€oedignity, feelings and self-respect.a€A
The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, which held five days of hearings on those questions here last week, will soon rule on whether Macleana€™s violated the law. As spectators lined up for the afternoon session last week, an argument broke out.
a€oeIta€™s hate speech!a€A yelled one man.
a€oeIta€™s free speech!a€A yelled another.
In the United States, that debate has been settled. Under the First Amendment, newspapers and magazines can say what they like about minorities and religions a€" even false, provocative or hateful things a€" without legal consequence.
The Macleana€™s article, a€oeThe Future Belongs to Islam,a€A was an excerpt from a book by Mark Steyn called a€oeAmerica Alonea€A (Regnery, 2006). The title was fitting: The United States, in its treatment of hate speech, as in so many other areas of the law, takes a distinctive legal path.
a€oeIn much of the developed world, one uses racial epithets at onea€™s legal peril, one displays Nazi regalia and the other trappings of ethnic hatred at significant legal risk, and one urges discrimination against religious minorities under threat of fine or imprisonment,a€A Frederick Schauer, a professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, wrote in a recent essay called a€oeThe Exceptional First Amendment.a€A
a€oeBut in the United States,a€A Professor Schauer continued, a€oeall such speech remains constitutionally protected.a€A
Canada, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, Australia and India all have laws or have signed international conventions banning hate speech. Israel and France forbid the sale of Nazi items like swastikas and flags. It is a crime to deny the Holocaust in Canada, Germany and France.
Earlier this month, the actress Brigitte Bardot, an animal rights activist, was fined $23,000 in France for provoking racial hatred by criticizing a Muslim ceremony involving the slaughter of sheep.
By contrast, American courts would not stop a planned march by the American Nazi Party in Skokie, Ill., in 1977, though a march would have been deeply distressing to the many Holocaust survivors there.
Six years later, a state court judge in New York dismissed a libel case brought by several Puerto Rican groups against a business executive who had called food stamps a€oebasically a Puerto Rican program.a€A The First Amendment, Justice Eve M. Preminger wrote, does not allow even false statements about racial or ethnic groups to be suppressed or punished just because they may increase a€oethe general level of prejudice.a€A
Some prominent legal scholars say the United States should reconsider its position on hate speech.
a€oeIt is not clear to me that the Europeans are mistaken,a€A Jeremy Waldron, a legal philosopher, wrote in The New York Review of Books last month, a€oewhen they say that a liberal democracy must take affirmative responsibility for protecting the atmosphere of mutual respect against certain forms of vicious attack.a€A
Professor Waldron was reviewing a€oeFreedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendmenta€A by Anthony Lewis, the former New York Times columnist. Mr. Lewis has been critical of efforts to use the law to limit hate speech.
But even Mr. Lewis, a liberal, wrote in his book that he was inclined to relax some of the most stringent First Amendment protections a€oein an age when words have inspired acts of mass murder and terrorism.a€A In particular, he called for a re-examination of the Supreme Courta€™s insistence that there is only one justification for making incitement a criminal offense: the likelihood of imminent violence.
The imminence requirement sets a high hurdle. Mere advocacy of violence, terrorism or the overthrow of the government is not enough; the words must be meant to and be likely to produce violence or lawlessness right away. A fiery speech urging an angry mob to immediately assault a black man in its midst probably qualifies as incitement under the First Amendment. A magazine article a€" or any publication a€" intended to stir up racial hatred surely does not.
Mr. Lewis wrote that there was a€oegenuinely dangerousa€A speech that did not meet the imminence requirement.
the remainder of this article can be found at nytimes
Posted: June 12th, 2008
at 10:39am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,celebrity,crime,too good to be true,web,not ninja-worthy,home,business,robots,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan,science,"ninja",et cetera
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The Ninja Gap
David Weinberger somehow manages to find time to write books, write thoughtful blog posts, AND produce a periodic newsletter - Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization - thata€™s one of he best reads on the a€net. Ia€™m deeply flattered that the current issue features Davida€™s thoughts on some of the topics Ia€™m obsessed with: media attention, caring, international understanding. More generously, he gives me the chance to react to his essay within the essaya€¦
Davida€™s generosity isna€™t the main reason Ia€™m linking to his piece - ita€™s that hea€™s broken some important theoretical ground with his important new concept in media criticism: The Ninja Gap. It takes a moment or two to explain - bear with me.
Almost anyone whoa€™s heard me give a public talk has heard me observe that Japan and Nigeria have roughly the same populations, but vastly different media representation: youa€™re roughly 8-12 times more likely to find an article focused on Japan in an American newspaper than an article on Nigeria. There are a lot of possible explanations for this phenomenon, from racism to comparative economic power. David offers a new one: Japana€™s got ninjas, and Nigeria doesna€™t.
Ita€™s a brilliant observation because ita€™s funny, true and highly relevant to conversations about media attention. Johan Galtung, in his seminal a€oeThe Structure of Foreign Newsa€oe, draws a persuasive metaphor between a radio receivera€™s ability to tune in one of many radio stations, and a listenera€™s likelihood to a€oereceivea€A a piece of news:
F4: The more meaningful the signal, the more probable that it will be recorded as worth listening to.
F5: The more consonant the signal is with the mental image of what one expects to find, the more probable that it will be recorded as worth listening to.
F7: The more a signal has been tuned in to the more likely it will continue to be tuned in to as worth listening to.
Context matters, Galtung argues. If wea€™ve got a mental image of Africa as a backwards and technically retrograde place, wea€™re likely to miss stories about innovation in mobile commerce (see the lead story in issue 407a€¦) or success in venture capital. Galtunga€™s fifth maxim is closely linked to the idea of cognitive dissonance - ita€™s uncomfortable to attempt to resolve new information that conflicts with existing perceptions, beliefs and behaviors.
Context doesna€™t just come from hard news - we all consume far more entertainment and advertising content than we consume of hard news. This information helps shape our views of these countries, and likely helps us unconsciously decide what sort of information to accept or reject. These perceptions construct something over time that might be thought of as a a€oenation branda€A - as the man who coined that term,marketer Simon Anholt, observed, a€oeEthiopia is well branded to receive aid, but poorly branded as a tourism destination.a€A
In this context, Japan is a place branded in many of our minds as a place thata€™s innovative, high-tech, and more than a little strange. Whether or not wea€™ve been to Japan, wea€™ve encountered anime, monster movies, martial arts flicks, SONY tva€™s and Toyota trucks. Whether or not our ideas about Japan are well-founded, reflect the reality on the ground, are rich in stereotypes, etc., wea€™ve got preconceptions about Japan. On some level, the fact that we know that a€oeJapan = Ninjasa€A means that wea€™ve got receptivity for a story about Japan that we might not have for Nigeria.
And so, Nigeria needs ninja. Or as David explains:
One reason we care about Japan more than Nigeria (generally) is that Japan has a cool culture. Wea€™ve heard about that culture because some Westerners wrote bestselling books about ninjas, and then Hollywood made ninja movies. Love them ninjas! Nigeria undoubtedly has something as cool as ninjas. Ok, something almost as cool as ninjas. If we had some blockblusters about the Nigerian equivalent of ninjas, wea€™d start to be interested Nigeria.
In other words, wea€™re more inclined to pay attention to Japan because wea€™ve got some context - a weird, non-representative context, for sure - while we have almost no context for stories about Nigeria. The context we do have for Nigeria - 419 scams - tends to be pretty corrosive, and may make us likelier to pick up only the stories that portray Nigeria as wildly corrupt and criminal.
Davida€™s observation leads him to some concrete advice for those of us trying to inspire xenophilia: write better: a€oeGood writing can make anything interesting. We will read the story about the Nigerian peddler and his neighborhood if there is a writer able to tell that story in a compelling way.a€A
Thata€™s harder than it sounds. But ita€™s also one of the best pieces of constructive advice Ia€™ve seen on cultivating xenophilia: tell good stories in a compelling way. And it wouldna€™t hurt to throw a ninja or two in there while youa€™re at it.
This post originally ran on Ethan’s excellent personal blog, My Heart’s in Accra.
Posted: June 6th, 2008
at 4:18pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,life,celebrity,too good to be true,apple,green,web,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,clothes,business,robots,film,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,gear,design,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan,science,"ninja",et cetera
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MNP Geospatial : O’Reilly Where 2.0 2008 Conference
Where to start and where to begin?
We would like to say happy trails to all of the attendees, speakers, and Brady Forrest, Conference Chair, for enabling a spectacular culmination of ideas and of course people.
I was happy to partake in most of the tutorials and listen amongst the speakers while experiencing the bounds of the various "heat" maps that were located throughout the conference quarters. Apparently by the end of the conference like-minds had been appointed none other than a grossly giddy quite title. [see the O’Reilly photo at the end of this leaf]
In accordance with the final speaker of the assembly, Erik Hersman, it would be ignorant not to capstone anterior surprises: the activist mapping that was prevalent throughout caught the most of my attention. Eduardo Jezierski spoke passionately about the unique relationships of choice presented when definition arrives at the corner of life and death.
Are maps accessible enough for general consumption? George Demmy and TerraGo Technologies have solved this quandary by paralleling the PDF format with GIS.
MNP asks eight (8) questions concerning the future of the geospatial web
What kind of ramifications does the radius creep of related map stock pose for accurate data?
Are humans inherently familiar with maps?
How do people look for local information?
Are neighborhoods redundant or sequential in the quest to better understand city framework?
What is the proper form of a map?
How do we accurately report "data"?
What are movement signatures?
Which industries will be impacted the most by GIS?
The most creative application of map wizardry? Bar none, Andrea Vaccari, team member of the NYTE project really pressed the steam for an instant boil of how paired maps are with the visual.
Chimp geniuses would have had fun with all of the possibilities that DIY drones set forth. That being said do NOT sleep on Light42.
How does this all relate to the real/city world approach to progressive geospatial understanding? According to the crowd theory of Paul Torrens, these value packages can only be evaluated within the boundaries of understanding the nuances of exception as well the opponents of acceptance.
Who will rule the map world? A grand question that ESRI, Google Earth, and Virtual Earth would love to answer. If I was wearing the right hat, it would probably be a toss-up between the capabilities, the level of interaction, and the information….. until Where 2.0 2009!
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 2nd, 2008
at 8:01am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,computers,apple,web,cell phones,robots,weaponry,architecture,design,science,et cetera,diy,maps
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Bombing In Iraq
via donewaiting
Posted: May 28th, 2008
at 1:33am by Koookiecrumbles
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Mysterious Hexagon Shape Discovered on Saturn
Okay, have you seen that weird hexagon thing on Saturn that was released last week?AA It has got to be one of the strangest things wea€™ve seen on another planet since the famous Face on Mars.AA A giant, nearly perfect hexagon formation has been spotted at the ringed planeta€™s northern pole.AA The entire object is rotating with the winds at the pole in a circular pattern and measures nearly 15,000 miles across.AA Four entire Eartha€™s could fit inside the shape!AA Perhaps the strangest thing about it is that this isna€™t the first time it has been seen.AA The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts that were launched in 1977 both captured pictures of the hexagonal shape in their visits to Saturn in 1980 and 1981 respectively.AA While the images were thought odd at that time, they certainly didna€™t think it was anything that would last more than a quarter of a century later, but it has.AA The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft captured the most recent photographs and video of this bizarre rotating shape when it passed over Saturna€™s northern pole in October 2006.
So, what exactly is this thing?AA How is it possible that a perfectly formed hexagon (a six-side object) could just be swirling around the pole of a planet without any sort of structural change in nearly 25 years?AA Well, dona€™t ask the scientists, because they dona€™t know either.AA According to NASA atmosphere expert Kevin Baines, a€oewea€™ve never seen anything like this on any other planet,a€A and Saturn is a€oeperhaps the last place youa€™d expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is.a€AAA Well, if they dona€™t know what it is, who the heck does?AA Is it an alien civilization?AA Is it a machine or a building?AA Is it a message from beyond?AA Is it a crop circle?AA Is it the answer to world peace?AA Inquiring minds want to know!
Remember how there was a giant monolith found on the moon in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey?AA The U.S./British governments secretly covered up the discovery from the other so-called partner governments, particularly Russia, and lied about how there was some sort of disease outbreak.AA Then they launched a secret manned mission to investigate the alien messages that were being sent to the monolith from Jupiter.AA Well, I wouldna€™t be surprised if something similar to that fictional tale would occur in real life if some alien intelligence was really discovered on a nearby planet.AA Wouldna€™t you?AA While Ia€™m sure wea€™ll be fed some sort of a€oenatural phenomenona€A explanation in the next few months or years, how will we really know what our government is doing if it is some sort of message from the outer reaches of the solar system?AA Should we just trust them?AA I dona€™t think so.AA And why havena€™t we heard about this object the first time it was seen in the 80s?AA I sure dona€™t recall it being talked about it before.AA Youa€™d think that would be on every conspiracy site out there along with all the other UFO reports.
Consider the recent release of the previously secret French UFO files.AA Why exactly are these records kept secret from the public in the first place?AA Last I checked, my tax dollars paid for the resources that gather and investigate these sorts of unknown phenomenon.AA Why are our UFO files kept secret?AA Sure, therea€™s the Freedom of Information Act that supposedly allows anyone to request these reports, but they usually come marked out in black ink or unavailable when you do request them.AA If therea€™s nothing to hide, why are they going so out of their way to make it look like theya€™re hiding something?AA Just like everything else theya€™re seemingly hiding from us!AA All Ia€™m saying is that something like this, while it could have a perfectly logical explanation, will probably end up being buried under a pile of bureaucratic nonsense just like all the other things the government seems to want to hide from the public for a€oeour own good.a€AAA Keep an eye on this story and see if it ever sees the light of day again because ita€™s just too weird to ignore!
Posted: May 28th, 2008
at 1:11am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: design,science,et cetera
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Portland is Ninja Friendly
Just so you know, the mayor of Portland recently declared the town a ninja-friendly zone. So that means its okay to move here if you are a ninja. or a samurai. or a perpetual adolescent with a weird thing for swords. Letter from the mayor’s office, as reported by the Portland Mercury:
Dear Mr. Wood: Thank you for emailing about the samurai you observed on a motorcycle. Mayor Potter has asked me to respond on his behalf. I can appreciate your concern. By all appearances, the samurai is not breaking any laws (including carrying a sword) and does not pose any immediate threat. Provided that the samurai does not engage in threatening behavior, the samurai is welcome in Portland. Sincerely, Jeremy Van Keuren, Public Advocate, Office of Mayor Tom Potter, Portland, Oregon
On the other hand, Columbus is not that into ninjas, albeit for good reason.
Posted: May 22nd, 2008
at 8:00am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: whips,politricks,real life news,"ninja",et cetera
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