Documentary: Food, Inc.
Americans have a longstanding love affair with fooda€"the modern supermarket has, on average, 47,000 products. But do we really know what goes into making the products we so eagerly consume?
This week, David Brancaccio talks with filmmaker Robert Kenner, the director of "Food, Inc.," which takes a hard look at the secretive and surprising journey food takes on the way from processing plants to our dinner tables. The two discuss why contemporary food processing secrets are so closely guarded, their impact on our health, and another surprising fact: how consumers are actually empowered to make a difference.
Find out why you’ll never look at dinner the same way.
This new documentary - Food, Inc. - looks wicked interesting…and pretty frightening. Find it at a theater near you and check it out.
Posted: June 22nd, 2009
at 8:37am by orangemenace
Categories: youtube,life,film,grub,documentary,health
Comments: No comments
This Film is not yet Rated essential message of this film? The movie rating system we use in the US - which has a huge impact on the success of individual films - is basically meaningless, as there are no quantifiable standards.
Posted: June 15th, 2009
at 9:00am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,life,film,politricks,fo' real?,real life news,documentary
Comments: No comments
House of Cards - Documentary
The economic recession (Hulu-ized with commercials).
Posted: June 8th, 2009
at 9:15am by Black Ock
Categories: business,real life news,documentary
Comments: No comments
Kickin’ It - Documentary
The homeless football world cup? Would you expect anything less from us on a Monday? Come, come now.
Thanks to Jessie for this one. You better be reading her blog.
If We Had No Moon - Documentary
Damnit Ninjas! Every week I scour to find a frickin documentary for your exclusive consumption. And every week, just as quickly, Google puts an end to my free streaming paradise. So, because Monday’s documentary was summarily banished from our interwebs, I present to you a new documentary. I think you’ll dig it.
North Korea - Documentary usually don’t post those "first page" documentaries… but… clearly we’ve been AWOL for a while. welcome back to video Monday, my ninjas. Watch that Real McCoy clip (hilarious).
Posted: May 4th, 2009
at 2:31pm by Black Ock
Categories: politricks,documentary
Comments: No comments
Documentary: I.O.U.S.A. - One Nation. Under Debt. In Stress.
I haven’t watched the entire doc yet - but it seems interesting, and has 5 stars at google video.
Posted: April 6th, 2009
at 5:33am by orangemenace
Categories: film,politricks,documentary
Comments: No comments
Jonestown, The Peoples Temple - Documentary is documentary about Jim Jones (the loon, NOT the rapper, you fool)
The One Inch Punch
Posted: March 12th, 2009
at 4:01pm by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,life,weaponry,fo' real?,9th dan,documentary,"ninja"
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