Archive for the ‘bling’ Category

You Just Copped the Watur, Now What’s Next?

ballers beware!

Maybe a little fiyur watur? OK, bad puns aside, I figure this would make a perfect addition to the watur and kind of give the site a Frank Lloyd Wright-esque falling-water theme.
The Hearthfalls are systems that you can set up inside the fireplace, but in front of the flames, that create a waterfall…that’s right folks, a waterfall, in your fireplace. Alright, I know it sounds a little silly, but what ninja doesn’t have a waterfall in their fireplace? I mean a waterfall door is so two or three days ago.
cop it

via ohgizmo!


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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:06am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,home

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Not a Ninja: Smugglin Gone Terribly Wrong…

ganj--i mean butterfly smuggling

And you thought the stakes were high in the drug game! Who knew that the insect blackmarket was a thriving industry? This dude is the world’s most wanted butterfly smuggler… He got pinched in Los Angeles International Airport with over $300,000 in butterflies that are protected by global treaties.

The feds spent three years conducting an undercover operation to get this guy (He would be a ninja, but ninjas don’t get caught)! Can you believe what our tax-dollars go to?

article via 3Yen

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 4:40am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,crime,too good to be true,business

Comments: 1 comment

Ninjas on horses!

crazy-ass horse ninjas

So on a recent trip down to Philly, my boy Mike from The Brilliant Mistake spotted these crazy-ass ninjas riding through the hood on horses. That’s it.

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 11:45pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,too good to be true,drogas

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Look Mama, No Wheels…


So we’ve got the next big craze in ninja transportation ready to hit. This hovercraft/airplane is selling on eBay for just $26,000. It can reach outrageous altitudes of 5 ft. Yes, you heard right! 5 ft! I know it would be a bit scary to go that high, but if you’re a true ninja, I think you can hang.

eBay ad

via High T3ch

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Posted: August 3rd, 2006
at 9:46pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling

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YO! MTV Kicks

puma clyde x yo mtv raps

These Puma Clydes have been restyled to represent the show that had so many of us bobbin’ our heads at an early age.
For ninjas that like to floss and represent old-school style, these may be the ticket. You gotta be quick though, because they drop on the 4th of August and they’re limited editions, which means there’s only gonna be 225 of the pink ones and 50 of the greens.
via highsnobiety

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 6:16pm by Black Ock

Categories: bling,gear

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Yes, the Segway looks extra-dorky…

segway centaur

but check out the new Segway Centaur, a four-wheeled version of the gyroscope-powered beast.

This thing looks ill! Check out the video.

via HighT3ch

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 4:52pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,life,whips

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I know real ninjas can park, but…

parking for ninja

If you’re ninja enough to cop this revolving driveway, nobody can really clown your parking skills. They even make one for motorcycles, too.
Check out the vehicle turntable.

Official Website

via the cool hunter

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Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 4:48pm by Black Ock

Categories: bling,home,whips

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Real Ninjas keep their ish on the DL

indoor garden, courtesy of the DEA site

Now I’m sad to say this is the second post on this site about people getting in trouble because they had to brag about their illicit activities online. This one goes right up there with the genius on "America’s Stupidest Criminals" who rappelled (ninja-style) into the atrium of a bank in hopes of robbing it, while it was still open (not ninja-style)…

Some young ninja-ette in Minnessota apparently put enough information about her horticultural activities up on an unnamed social networking site (read MySpace), that local police were able to get a warrant to search her residence. When local police and DEA agents showed up, they found 2000 ganja plants, which they subsequently destroyed.

This chick clearly needs some ninja lessons on how to keep her ish off the radar. However, the fact that 2000 marijuana plants were burned, and not for the purposes of enlightenment, surely robs her of her otherwise well-earned ninjadom. Ninjas of the world, learn from this youngin’s mistakes - Stop Snitching [on yourself]!
Surely there was a DEA agent who is a secret-toker and sat by that 2000 plant bonfire breathing deeply - he is a ninja for sure…
Read the article for yourself

Disclaimer: myninjaplease does not support witness intimidation, despite the aforementioned ‘Stop Snitching’ reference - if some thug on your block accidentally blasted a 2-year-old in a drive by, rat his punk ass out. However, if some chick is growing 2000 herb plants in her parents crib, marry her and have her move in!

Posted: August 2nd, 2006
at 1:21am by Pheezatron

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,crime,web,drogas,business

Comments: 2 comments

Everybody Hates The Dentist, Except……

BG updates his game from 250k to 500k.

Wootay, I’m tattooed and barred up
Medallion iced up, Rolex bezelled up
And my pinky ring is platinum plus
Earrings be trillion cut
And my grill be slugged up

See the video- BG at the dentist. To use a word from the man himself, "Wootay!"
From AOL.

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Posted: July 31st, 2006
at 4:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,music,celebrity

Comments: 1 comment