Archive for the ‘myninjaplease’ Category

Ad Generator

As evidenced by my earlier entries on advertising in the Rose Bowl and in an NFL Playoff game, Ia€™m not really interested in constantly being advertised at. In part, ita€™s because it happens alot and in part because the ads are generally bad and in part because people are so rarely selling anything Ia€™m the least bit interested in buying.

However, once in awhile, something new and interesting comes along. This time ita€™s in the form of an art project that combines the best of Web 2.0 into something interesting that ad agencies ought to look at. Alexis Lloyd created the Ad Generator as part of his thesis for a Masters of Fine Arts. Given that hea€™s randomly generating the slogans and randomly pulling images from Flickr as a mashup, ita€™s better than at least 25% of the ads you see out there (I cana€™t figure out what hea€™s selling exactly, but thata€™s common in ads these days.)



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Posted: January 22nd, 2007
at 1:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,web,business

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Luxury Missle Silo Compound with Runway

for sale at [missilebases]

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Posted: January 22nd, 2007
at 10:52am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,home

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Censorship is slavery


"The Bears traffic in the truth, and either you can handle it or you can’t. Censorship is slavery." -Steve Fuller [to]

a€oeRic did an announcement for us for the opening of the game,a€A the veteran lineman said. a€oeHe did something with Space Mountain, which is his trademark and sort of our theme in the locker room. Space Mountain (in this case the Super Bowl) is the ultimate goal.a€A [wwe]

Who said, `People who live in the past, die in the past?’ " said Giangreco, repeating one of Ditka’s favorite sayings which he currently uses in a Coors Light commercial. "Let it go, coach, please." [ct]

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Posted: January 22nd, 2007
at 12:08am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,real life news

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Homeless are who you want to sue

…lets be realistic

A high-end antique dealer on the Upper East Side is suing four unnamed homeless people for $1 million on the grounds that they’ve driven away customers by loitering on the sidewalk in "old, warn, and unsanitary clothing and cardboard boxes and old blankets which they convert into sleeping accommodations."

In addition to money, Karl Kemp & Associates Antiques, located near 69th Street at 833 Madison Ave. near Gucci, Chanel, and Prada, is asking a Manhattan Supreme Court judge to force the homeless defendants to stay at least 100 feet away from the store, according to legal papers filed yesterday.

muwuhahaaa myninjapleeeeeeeeeeease

article at nysun

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Posted: January 19th, 2007
at 12:18am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,art

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As dope as the content is today, and as much as you should be clicking on each and every link, I figured I’d let you in on a little secret that we’ve been keeping for no good reason.

Click away:

FRATASTIC! @ is brought to you by the lazier portion of mnp.

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Posted: January 18th, 2007
at 12:21pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life

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KFC tries to buy a PETA owned building

story at consumerist

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Posted: January 18th, 2007
at 12:14am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,business,grub

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Welcome to Cyberspace

flickr gallery at flickr

internet 2

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Posted: January 17th, 2007
at 12:18am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,web

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a€oeThe static physics of the issue say . . . two people might be able to tip a cow,a€A she said. a€oeBut the cow would have to be tipped quickly a€" the cowa€™s centre of mass would have to be pushed over its hoof before the cow could react.a€A

at timesonline

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Posted: January 17th, 2007
at 12:15am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,mnp is for the children,fo' real?

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yo-ho yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me


All I have to say about this is:




This is absolutely ridiculous [and great]. No, there’s no Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom here - or any other actors playing pirates, or even real pirates [at least not the peg-leg having, eye patch wearing, ship having type]. What I am talking about here is The Pirate Bay, a torrent site currently based in Sweden [or one of the other countries that has basically no internet piracy laws]. They’re currently in negotiations to ‘acquire’ the micronation of Sealand [they can’t actually ‘purchase’ it legally, as principalities cannot be sold - but the family in control of the small nation are taking bids for a ‘transfer of ownership’] - off the cost of England.


Here’s some history on Sealand, from the nation’s website:

Sealand was founded as a sovereign Principality in 1967 in international waters, six miles off the eastern shores of Britain. In late June of 2006, the island suffered a devastating fire which destroyed much of the country’s administrative centre and the main power generation facility which serves its population and industries. Fortunately, back-up systems exist which permit its activities to continue but the disaster has compromised significantly the quality of life of its inhabitants and the continued development of the island’s economic and social growth.

The history of Sealand is a story of a struggle for liberty. Sealand was founded on the principle that any group of people dissatisfied with the oppressive laws and restrictions of existing nation states may declare independence in any place not claimed to be under the jurisdiction of another sovereign entity. The location chosen was Roughs Tower, an island fortress created in World War II by Britain and subsequently abandoned to the jurisdiction of the High Seas. The independence of Sealand was upheld in a 1968 British court decision where the judge held that Roughs Tower stood in international waters and did not fall under the legal jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. This gave birth to Sealand’s national motto of E Mare Libertas, or "From the Sea, Freedom" [source].


So basically, The Pirate Bay’s plan is to get their hands on this micronation - and use it as a new base of operations for their torrent site. The thinking here is that if they control the country, then they can simply have no laws regarding internet piracy and downloading, and allow themselves to serve torrents to anybody who wants to use the service.

My two thoughts on this [other than how incredibly gangster this move is] are that, 1] this opens the door for other companies to come up with similar plans - while a torrent site is barely hurting anyone, this could be done by a more dangerous and nefarious group, and/or 2] the US or Britain, or someone, invades / cuts the power / kills their internet…whatever - shuts the whole operation down leaving The Pirate Bay stuck with an old British naval platform.

Either way, I’d like to give it up to the [future] Pirates of Sealand - good luck, my ninjas.


Quite honestly, I don’t want to hate - if MNP was ever able to purchase it’s own NATION, however small…I’d be a ghost.

via Endgadget [thanks pheez]

[story from the architecture site…click those ‘the dojo’ links, my ninjas!!]

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Posted: January 16th, 2007
at 1:12pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,web,business,architecture,fo' real?,real life news,open source

Comments: 6 comments