My Ninja, Please! 9.28.11: Schweddy Balls Ice Cream
To celebrate the talented writers, crew and actors behind arguably television’s funniest television program, today, Ben & Jerry’s launched its newest limited-batch flavor, Schweddy Balls. The flavor is an ode to the classic "Saturday Night Live" sketch [viewable at] starring Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon, as hosts of the "Delicious Dish," a National Public Radio program parody, along with Alec Baldwin as Pete Schweddy, the fictional owner of Season’s Eatings Bakery.
The legendary actor, comedian, and perennial favorite SNL host appreciates keeping the laughs going. "For a long time, I thought that ‘Here Lies Pete Schweddy’ would end up on my tombstone," said Baldwin. "Now, thanks to Ben & Jerry’s, the goodness of the Schweddy family recipe won’t go with me to the great beyond." The flavor, available nationwide, features Fair Trade vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and is loaded with fudge covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls. The combination is a melding whose time has come, deadpanned Baldwin, "It is immortalized here, right now, and it’s an ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s and Schweddy. Two great names in American dessert, together at last." #read the source
Yes, my ninjas, I know it’s from Ben & Jerry’s. Yes, ninja, I know they make their ice cream with fair trade vanilla. Yes, my ninjas, I know it’s probably delicious. Yes, ninja, I am aware that it comes from an old Alec Baldwin SNL shtick… but my ninjas, please, this is just NOT an ice cream a ninja would buy.
(above are actual video images captured on international pirate-ninja truce day)
Posted: September 28th, 2011
at 7:07am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy
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My Ninja, Please! 9.23.11 : From Rookie…
In 10 years this artist went from a rookie, to well, check out his sketchbook here.
Posted: September 23rd, 2011
at 10:42pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,contemporary
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My Ninja, Please! 9.14.11: Drunken Kung-Fu Moose
In a surprise event that capitvated a nation, a moose was spotted using the drunken Kung-Fu technique somewhere near Stockholm, Sweden, recently. Originally thought to have studied in the Wang-Chin school, the moose’s origins became unclear late Tuesday night when a spokesperson from the school denied ever training the moose.
"Last animal student was a rat," said 62 year-old PR man Hamato Yoshi, "but there’s no telling who else he may have trained."
Further doubt was cast on the situation when it was reported that the moose had been eating fermented apples from someone’s backyard and was actually stuck in the tree, as opposed to using it for stealth reasons as initially believed. While practitioners of Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist, are reputed for their imitation of intoxication, they are rarely ever actually drunk. Quoted as saying in between hiccups, "Water floats, but also capsizes boats," the moose appeared undoubtedly drunk.
The large deer-relative had to be helped from the tree by rescuers and was given a period of a few days to sober up. As of right now, the moose has not been charged with any crime.
Posted: September 14th, 2011
at 11:37am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,10th dan
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Ancestral Bridge?
A pair of fossils from a South African cave have scientists both excited and puzzled. Scientists say the fossils — an adult female and a juvenile — could be the long-sought transition between ape-like ancestors and the first humans.
The bones belong to creatures related to the famous Lucy fossil found in Ethiopia in the 1970s, but their owners lived more recently — just 2 million years ago.
The reason for the excitement? Ask anthropologists what they dream about, and many will tell you it’s the fossil of the last pre-human ancestor that led directly to us. Nobody’s found it, and any who claim to usually get publicly whacked by their peers #Read the story
Posted: September 9th, 2011
at 10:09am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,9th dan,science,reading is fun-damental
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My Ninja, Please! 9.8.11: Broadway Mark Sanchez
When Brady did it, we thought it was fi-fi, however the guy at least had won something. He, at least, had earned an ‘I can do that sh@%"-card.
What, you ask, the f am I talking about? Taking your clothes off and putting on your nakey suit for GQ, my friends.
In the words of the newly crowned Aaron Rodgers, this is just embarrassing.
This is actually a pretty decent picture. Kinda captures the moment… Nonetheless, My Ninja, Please!
Posted: September 8th, 2011
at 9:26am by Black Ock
Tagged with football, patriots, Jets, Sanchex, rivfalry, brady, rex ryan
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,games
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