Archive for the ‘politricks’ Category

Albino Candidate Overcomes Prejudice

Tanzania’s first elected albino MP said yesterday the result was a breakthrough for albinos in the east African country, where scores have been murdered for their body parts to be used in sorcery. Salum Khalfani Bar’wani won the southern Tanzania Lindi Town constituency seat, beating a ruling party candidate who had served in parliament for 15 years.>


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Posted: November 7th, 2010
at 6:05pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks,fo' real?,9th dan,ninjas are everyehere

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The Rise and Fall of Liberalism

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In Camelot and the Cultural Revolution, James Piereson asserts that, as the 1960s began, liberalism was the single most creative and vital force in American politics and that the Kennedy assassination caused a split within this movement between its more traditional supporters and cultural activists that still exists today. Peter Robinson explores with Piereson how and why this happened — how a confident, practical, forward-looking philosophy with a heritage of accomplishment was thus turned into a doctrine of pessimism and self-blame, with a decidedly dark view of American society.>

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Posted: October 25th, 2010
at 7:16am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks

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China’s Internet ‘Spin Doctors’

Comments, rumours and opinions can be quickly spread between internet groups in a way that makes it hard for the government to censor.

So instead of just trying to prevent people from having their say, the government is also attempting to change they way they think.

To do this, they use specially trained - and ideologically sound - internet commentators.

They have been dubbed the "50-cent party" because of how much they are reputed to be paid for each positive posting (50 Chinese cents; $0.07; £0.05).

"Almost all government departments face criticism that is beyond their control," said Xiao Qiang, of the University of California at Berkeley.

"There is nothing much they can do, other than organise their own spinning teams to do their public relations," said the journalism professor, who monitors China.>

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Posted: October 22nd, 2010
at 10:47am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks,"ninja",internets

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New York Gubernatorial Race, 2010

This guy is too damn funny… But then on the other hand, what he’s saying is too damn serious.

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Posted: October 19th, 2010
at 7:05pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,politricks,real life news

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Stephen Fry : What I’d Wish I’d Known When I Was 18

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The Price of Unity

As the German people celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall, the governments in Bonn and Paris were secretly haggling over European monetary union. According to internal government documents, the negotiations almost collapsed. Was West Germany’s beloved currency, the deutsche mark, sacrificed at the altar of reunification to win France’s support?>

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Posted: October 1st, 2010
at 3:15pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: business,politricks,development

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What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For?

Once, pretty much everywhere, beating your wife and children was regarded as a father’s duty, homosexuality was a hanging offense, and waterboarding was approved — in fact, invented — by the Catholic Church. Through the middle of the 19th century, the United States and other nations in the Americas condoned plantation slavery. Many of our grandparents were born in states where women were forbidden to vote. And well into the 20th century, lynch mobs in this country stripped, tortured, hanged and burned human beings at picnics.

Looking back at such horrors, it is easy to ask: What were people thinking?

Yet, the chances are that our own descendants will ask the same question, with the same incomprehension, about some of our practices today.

Is there a way to guess which ones? After all, not every disputed institution or practice is destined to be discredited. And it can be hard to distinguish in real time between movements, such as abolition, that will come to represent moral common sense and those, such as prohibition, that will come to seem quaint or misguided. Recall the book-burners of Boston’s old Watch and Ward Society or the organizations for the suppression of vice, with their crusades against claret, contraceptives and sexually candid novels.

: Continue reading at :

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Posted: September 27th, 2010
at 7:07pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,not ninja-worthy,politricks

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MakerBot and the Rise of Libertarian Tech

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Imagine instead of going to the store, simply downloading what you need from the Internet and printing it out on a 3D printer. That future is here.

"The time from a thought to a thing is short. You can just manifest something," explains MakerBot Industries co-founder Bre Pettis of a world for those with one of the stuff printers he helped create. There is much to be MakerBotted: practical stuff (a cup, a cooling fan), replacement stuff (a camera lense cover, a shower curtain hook), novel stuff (a tube squeezer, a clip-on reading LED) and the completely random (a miniature of your own head). We visit the Brooklyn (NY) wherehouse of MakerBot Industries where Bre Pettis shows us a future where we all can be our own manufacturers.

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Posted: September 15th, 2010
at 10:37am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: life,art,green,web,politricks,weaponry,design,science,"ninja",development

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Internet Filtering in Australia

Australia's technology press is banding together on a common survey question regarding the Federal Government's mandatory internet filtering policy. Delimiter, a tech site focused on Australia is asking just one question: Would you vote for a political party which supports the internet filter?>

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Posted: July 15th, 2010
at 1:13pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,business,politricks,development,internets

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