Archive for the ‘quote of the day’ Category

Quote of the Day


a€oeSen. Obama and I are longtime friends and allies. We often share ideas about politics, policy and language. The argument in question, on the value of words in the public square, is one about which he and I have spoken frequently before. Given the recent attacks from Sen. Clinton, I applaud him [for] responding in just the way he did.a€A
-Deval Patrick

Did Hilary not bite her whole steez from Bill?


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Posted: February 28th, 2008
at 8:55am by Black Ock

Categories: politricks,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day


There’s a difference between rejecting and denouncing.

-Hilary Clinton [on Obama and Farrakhan]

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Posted: February 27th, 2008
at 8:14am by Black Ock

Categories: politricks,quote of the day

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Quote of the day


a€oeThere are no new colors to see and very few new sounds, but we are actually creating new, unique smells no one has ever smelled before,a€A Mr. Polan said. It is, quite literally, as if a paint company could make a new shade of blue.

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Posted: February 23rd, 2008
at 7:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,design,quote of the day

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Quote of the day


a€oeDona€™t dig a hole for someone else, as you will fall into it yourselfa€A

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Posted: February 23rd, 2008
at 2:41am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

There’s only one type of mo that comes to mind.

YouTube Preview Image

Okay… that’s totally inappropriate but I didn’t say it. Derek Jeter drinks hatorade. I don’t - too much sugar.

People like to talk about the game, about this play and that play - and watch highlights in slow-mo fast-mo or any other type of mo there is.

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Posted: February 14th, 2008
at 12:45pm by Black Ock

Categories: youtube,celebrity,grub,quote of the day

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Quote of the day


The more copyright steals from the public, the more its legitimacy is questioned. via

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Posted: February 13th, 2008
at 2:07pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: web,not ninja-worthy,business,quote of the day

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Quote of the day

"Politics makes strange bedfellows"

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Posted: February 12th, 2008
at 2:01am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: politricks,quote of the day

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Quote of the day


"We’re leaving a€" If you’re so cosmic, you’ll know why."

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Posted: February 8th, 2008
at 3:38am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,music,9th dan,quote of the day

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Real Onionz: "Bill Clinton Accuses Obama Camp of Stirring Race Issue"

Later in the day, he said that if Mr. Obama won the Democratic nomination, he would a€oedo what I can to help him become president.a€A Mr. Clinton said he was a€oevery impressed with the nonracial appeala€A of Mr. Obama.

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Posted: February 7th, 2008
at 10:47am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,politricks,quote of the day,real onionz

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