Archive for the ‘cell phones’ Category



Want to protect your iPhone [or iPod touch/classic], but stay fly? Then cop one of these siiick wood cases from Miniot, creator of the iWood. Unlike some other ill wooden cases for your iFamily of gadgetry, iWood‘s design gives you protection that looks less like an extra case and more like a sleek wooden skin.



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Posted: July 21st, 2008
at 12:26pm by orangemenace

Categories: apple,cell phones,gear,design

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GTX Corp and Phantom Fiber Sign Joint Venture


LOS ANGELES, Jul 10, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — GTX Corp ("GTX"), a leader in the licensing of embedded miniaturized GPS Personal Location Services (PLS) technology and Phantom Fiber Corporation ("Phantom"), a leading provider of mobile technologies and solutions designed to extend enterprise reach on wireless devices and global communication networks, today announced that they have agreed to form a joint venture company.

The benefit of the collaboration will be the development and global deployment of graphically rich geo-aware mobile applications that are agnostic to device technology, mobile carrier networks and connectivity platforms. These applications, when developed, will allow enterprises to seamlessly offer the expanding array of revenue rich GPS/PLS interactive social networking and location services to the work force and consumer. marketwatch

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Posted: July 11th, 2008
at 11:35pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,web,cell phones,business

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Gap Evacuee Tells Story

The black van slid to a halt and the good doctor ejected himself from the shotgun seat. a€oeWea€™re evacuating!a€A he said, as he and two friends race-walked toward his house, next door to ours. Hea€™d had to talk his way past the police to get up the hill from Cathedral Oaks, sliding by only because his friends from Carp had left two Labs in his back yard before theya€™d gone to dinner.

Suzanne and I had been having our own dinner on Thursday evening when the lights finally died, after a half-hour of fritzing televisions and power-surging phone messages. We were in the Dream House, the one wea€™d bought in 2001 and moved into exactly one month ago. Wea€™d nested after extensive renovation, doing all the little things you do to make a place yours, down to the anal stuff of alphabetizing books by author, within categories, or happily noting when the hummingbirds found the feeder. When I flew back to the Chicago area for my last graduation as a professor and to check out our for-sale house there, the going-away salutations were tearful but Ia€™d already moved West in my head. I missed our cocoon. via independent

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Omnia, competition for iPhone

Samsung Electronics South Korea released on early Monday preview details on the companya€™s new smartphone, before the mania of Applea€™s Worldwide Developers Conference begins in California. The Samsung Omnia (SGH-i900) is similar in looks and function to the Samsung Instinct (SPH-M800), but with a few more bells and whistles. For starters, it sounds like it has a very promising camera. With five megapixels and anti-shake technology, this may be the first camera on a phone that produces pictures you would actual think of printing, not just posting to Facebook. This is an improvement over the 2-megapixel cameras on both the first-generation iPhone and on the Samsung Instinct.

The touch-screen smartphone, which runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 and features Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Opera 9.5 as its Web browser, will also have Wi-Fi. Thata€™s something the Instinct also lacks. Like the Instinct, the Omnia has visual voice mail, 3G capability, Bluetooth, an FM radio, and GPS functionality. The smartphone, of course, also doubles as a music player and, with 16GB, will be able to hold up to 4,000 songs or 100 minutes of video, according to Samsung. More details on the smartphonea€™s specs will follow when the Omnia (SGH-i900) is officially unveiled on June 17 at Communicasia, the 2008 Singapore Expo. The Omnia (SGH-i900) will become available in Southeast Asia first and then be launched to other markets over the second half of 2008, according to Samsung.


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Posted: June 11th, 2008
at 7:29pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,cell phones

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The Ninja Gap


David Weinberger somehow manages to find time to write books, write thoughtful blog posts, AND produce a periodic newsletter - Journal of the Hyperlinked Organization - thata€™s one of he best reads on the a€net. Ia€™m deeply flattered that the current issue features Davida€™s thoughts on some of the topics Ia€™m obsessed with: media attention, caring, international understanding. More generously, he gives me the chance to react to his essay within the essaya€¦

Davida€™s generosity isna€™t the main reason Ia€™m linking to his piece - ita€™s that hea€™s broken some important theoretical ground with his important new concept in media criticism: The Ninja Gap. It takes a moment or two to explain - bear with me.

Almost anyone whoa€™s heard me give a public talk has heard me observe that Japan and Nigeria have roughly the same populations, but vastly different media representation: youa€™re roughly 8-12 times more likely to find an article focused on Japan in an American newspaper than an article on Nigeria. There are a lot of possible explanations for this phenomenon, from racism to comparative economic power. David offers a new one: Japana€™s got ninjas, and Nigeria doesna€™t.

Ita€™s a brilliant observation because ita€™s funny, true and highly relevant to conversations about media attention. Johan Galtung, in his seminal a€oeThe Structure of Foreign Newsa€oe, draws a persuasive metaphor between a radio receivera€™s ability to tune in one of many radio stations, and a listenera€™s likelihood to a€oereceivea€A a piece of news:

F4: The more meaningful the signal, the more probable that it will be recorded as worth listening to.

F5: The more consonant the signal is with the mental image of what one expects to find, the more probable that it will be recorded as worth listening to.

F7: The more a signal has been tuned in to the more likely it will continue to be tuned in to as worth listening to.

Context matters, Galtung argues. If wea€™ve got a mental image of Africa as a backwards and technically retrograde place, wea€™re likely to miss stories about innovation in mobile commerce (see the lead story in issue 407a€¦) or success in venture capital. Galtunga€™s fifth maxim is closely linked to the idea of cognitive dissonance - ita€™s uncomfortable to attempt to resolve new information that conflicts with existing perceptions, beliefs and behaviors.

Context doesna€™t just come from hard news - we all consume far more entertainment and advertising content than we consume of hard news. This information helps shape our views of these countries, and likely helps us unconsciously decide what sort of information to accept or reject. These perceptions construct something over time that might be thought of as a a€oenation branda€A - as the man who coined that term,marketer Simon Anholt, observed, a€oeEthiopia is well branded to receive aid, but poorly branded as a tourism destination.a€A

In this context, Japan is a place branded in many of our minds as a place thata€™s innovative, high-tech, and more than a little strange. Whether or not wea€™ve been to Japan, wea€™ve encountered anime, monster movies, martial arts flicks, SONY tva€™s and Toyota trucks. Whether or not our ideas about Japan are well-founded, reflect the reality on the ground, are rich in stereotypes, etc., wea€™ve got preconceptions about Japan. On some level, the fact that we know that a€oeJapan = Ninjasa€A means that wea€™ve got receptivity for a story about Japan that we might not have for Nigeria.

And so, Nigeria needs ninja. Or as David explains:

One reason we care about Japan more than Nigeria (generally) is that Japan has a cool culture. Wea€™ve heard about that culture because some Westerners wrote bestselling books about ninjas, and then Hollywood made ninja movies. Love them ninjas! Nigeria undoubtedly has something as cool as ninjas. Ok, something almost as cool as ninjas. If we had some blockblusters about the Nigerian equivalent of ninjas, wea€™d start to be interested Nigeria.

In other words, wea€™re more inclined to pay attention to Japan because wea€™ve got some context - a weird, non-representative context, for sure - while we have almost no context for stories about Nigeria. The context we do have for Nigeria - 419 scams - tends to be pretty corrosive, and may make us likelier to pick up only the stories that portray Nigeria as wildly corrupt and criminal.

Davida€™s observation leads him to some concrete advice for those of us trying to inspire xenophilia: write better: a€oeGood writing can make anything interesting. We will read the story about the Nigerian peddler and his neighborhood if there is a writer able to tell that story in a compelling way.a€A

Thata€™s harder than it sounds. But ita€™s also one of the best pieces of constructive advice Ia€™ve seen on cultivating xenophilia: tell good stories in a compelling way. And it wouldna€™t hurt to throw a ninja or two in there while youa€™re at it.

This post originally ran on Ethan’s excellent personal blog, My Heart’s in Accra.

via worldchanging

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MNP Geospatial : O’Reilly Where 2.0 2008 Conference


Where to start and where to begin?

We would like to say happy trails to all of the attendees, speakers, and Brady Forrest, Conference Chair, for enabling a spectacular culmination of ideas and of course people.

I was happy to partake in most of the tutorials and listen amongst the speakers while experiencing the bounds of the various "heat" maps that were located throughout the conference quarters. Apparently by the end of the conference like-minds had been appointed none other than a grossly giddy quite title. [see the O’Reilly photo at the end of this leaf]


In accordance with the final speaker of the assembly, Erik Hersman, it would be ignorant not to capstone anterior surprises: the activist mapping that was prevalent throughout caught the most of my attention. Eduardo Jezierski spoke passionately about the unique relationships of choice presented when definition arrives at the corner of life and death.

Are maps accessible enough for general consumption? George Demmy and TerraGo Technologies have solved this quandary by paralleling the PDF format with GIS.

MNP asks eight (8) questions concerning the future of the geospatial web

What kind of ramifications does the radius creep of related map stock pose for accurate data?

Are humans inherently familiar with maps?

How do people look for local information?

Are neighborhoods redundant or sequential in the quest to better understand city framework?

What is the proper form of a map?

How do we accurately report "data"?

What are movement signatures?

Which industries will be impacted the most by GIS?


The most creative application of map wizardry? Bar none, Andrea Vaccari, team member of the NYTE project really pressed the steam for an instant boil of how paired maps are with the visual.

Chimp geniuses would have had fun with all of the possibilities that DIY drones set forth. That being said do NOT sleep on Light42.

How does this all relate to the real/city world approach to progressive geospatial understanding? According to the crowd theory of Paul Torrens, these value packages can only be evaluated within the boundaries of understanding the nuances of exception as well the opponents of acceptance.


Who will rule the map world? A grand question that ESRI, Google Earth, and Virtual Earth would love to answer. If I was wearing the right hat, it would probably be a toss-up between the capabilities, the level of interaction, and the information….. until Where 2.0 2009!
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted: June 2nd, 2008
at 8:01am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,computers,apple,web,cell phones,robots,weaponry,architecture,design,science,et cetera,diy,maps

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This Day in Apple History


Amidst enormous media attention and hype, Apple Inc., maker of the MacIntosh personal computer, released the iPhone, an Internet-enabled mobile phone, on June 29. Gearheads camped out in front of Apple stores across the United States in order to be among the first to purchase the revolutionary device, which functions as a cell phone, camera, iPod, wireless Web browser and email terminal. Two models, with four and eight gigabytes of storage, were initially offered for $499 and $599, respectively. On September 10, 2007, just over two months after the sleek gadget arrived in stores, Apple announced it had sold its one-millionth iPhone. By comparison, it took two years for the company to hawk the same number of iPods. The iPhone made its European debut in November 2007 and was scheduled for release in Asia in 2008. history

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Posted: June 1st, 2008
at 8:08am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,cell phones

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Tim Maia (Telefone)

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Posted: May 7th, 2008
at 1:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,music,cell phones

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Que B.I.L.L.A.H. - I Aina€™t Got No Minutes

the "I Aint Got No Video" fund raiser event : Friday April 25th : Subterranean

You can call you can text you can call collect but with all due respect I ain’t got no minutes

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Posted: April 21st, 2008
at 6:05am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,music,web,cell phones,business

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