Plastic Bag Ban
This Friday, July 1, plastic bags will no longer be offered to customers at stores in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. (Source)
Cloth Bags
Check out One Bag At A Time for an alternative to paper or plastic.
My Ninja, Please! 6.27.11 : Frederick Kaufman : Wallmart to the Farm
After the the e-coli scare, people decided to self-regulate food metrics, what follows is an interesting journey of the tomato…what is sustainable food?
Posted: June 27th, 2011
at 3:46pm by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,green,business,mnp is for the children,weaponry,grub,science,diy,development,health,innovation
Comments: No comments
Ford to Produce More Electric and Hybrids
It currently sells about 35,000 electrified vehicles a year and plans to boost that to more than 100,000 vehicles annually by 2013.
Flight of the Gossamer Condor
Posted: June 19th, 2011
at 10:22am by mnp
Categories: myninjaplease,green,design,science,competitions,development,innovation
Comments: 1 comment
What is EcoFactor?
EcoFactor’s SaaS-based energy management engine collects, stores and processes 24,000 points of data each day from individual homes, local weather stations and numerous other geographic inputs - 12,000 from inside the home and 12,000 from outside the home. The result is an individualized HVAC Auto-Pilot program that can easily save homeowners 20 to 30 percent in HVAC energy usage without sacrificing comfort or convenience. (Source)
Solar Powered Laptop
The needs to go green, be mobile, and be productive collide in Andrea Ponti’s concept design for solar powered laptop, one that does not require a peripheral attachment to harness the power of the sun. Designed with a solar panel behind the monitor and one beneath the touch keyboard, it would be the first completely-solar laptop ever… if it gets produced. (Source)