Archive for the ‘apple’ Category

"convergence culture"

a€oeConvergence does not depend on any specific delivery mechanism. Rather, convergence represents a paradigm shift a€" a move from medium-specific content toward content that flows across multiple media channels, toward the increased interdependence of communications systems, toward multiple ways of accessing media content, and toward ever more complex relations between top-down corporate media and bottom-up participatory culture.a€A (243) thesis statement

a€oeWe are in a critical moment of transition during which old rules are open to change and companies may be forced to renegotiate their relationship to consumers.a€A (243)

a€oeRather than talking about personal media, perhaps we should be talking about communal mediaa€A (245)

a€oeJust as studying fan culture helped us to understand the innovations that occur on the fringes of the media industry, we may also want to look at the structures of fan communities as showing us new ways of thinking about citizenship and collaboration.a€A (246) BIG THESIS

a€oeThat is why it is so important to fight against the corporate copyright regime, to argue against censorship and moral panic that would pathologize these emerging forms of participation, to publicize the best practices of these online communities, to expand access and participation to groups that are otherwise being left behind, and to promote forms of media literacy education that help all children to develop the skills needed to become full participants in their culture.a€A (248) ADVOCACY THESIS

a€oeA politics of confrontation must give way to one focused on tactical collaboration.a€A (250)

a€oeConcentrated power is apt to remain concentrated. But we will see adhocracy principles applied to more and more different kinds of projectsa€A (256-7). Yes, but what about sabotage?

a€oeparticipation becomes an important political right.a€A (257). Yes. Why isna€™t there more of this in the book?

a€oeThe ideal of the informed citizen is breaking down because there is simply too much for any individual to know. The idea of monitorial citizenship depends on developing new skills in collaboration and a new ethic of knowledge sharing that will allow us to deliberate together.a€A (259). ok

a€oeOne of the ways we can shape the future of media culture is by resisting such disempowering approaches to media literacy education. We need to rethink the goals of media education so that young people can come to think of themselves as cultural producers and participants and not simply as consumers, critical or otherwise.a€A (259). Call to rethink media literacy

MESSAGE: rules redrawn. Negotiation. Resurgence of communal culture. Political implications. Key prescriptions = advocacy. Not sure how his corporate readers would react. Focus on negotiation, but doesna€™t jive with hardline advocacy. Convergence will save us all. We just need to help it happen.

too much information for one post at aramsinnreich.typepad


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"iPods used as ‘black box’ for airplanes"

Pilots may soon rely on the iPod for the operation of their aircraft. A new report indicates that the hugely popular iPod media player may become an integral part of one airplane manufacturer’s airplane design. The iPod could become a flight data recorder (FDR) following an announcement by US light aircraft manufacturer LoPresti Speed Merchants to introduce the device in the cockpit of its Fury piston aircraft, Flight reports. The Florida-based company is planning for "full integration of the iPod into the Fury’s avionics systems." The report says that the iPod will serve as a digital data recorder, a.k.a as the "black box"-often used to help determine the cause of plane crashes/tragedies.

Along with suitable software, the iPod can be used to record important flight data and equipment readings to its internal hard drive, offering the ability to record over 500h of flight time data.

The company, however, was not specific about the types of information that would be recorded, the report said. Recorders are currently used to collect data for maintenance purposes through system monitoring, for post-flight analysis in training and safety-monitoring, and, when suitably protected, for crash investigation.

"This is a watershed technology for aviation," says LoPresti vice president of operations, RJ Siegel, "and we are delighted to be the first to bring it to market." The Fury (pictured below) will prove the concept, but once certificated, the iPod FDR could be deployed on other light aircraft.

iPods, however, are not just limited to cockpits. One innovative Mexican airline has already begun renting iPods to passengers, ahead of planned iPod integration by many of the major US airlines.


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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:58pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: computers,apple,business,robots

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17 ipod accessories


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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:51pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple

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HDTV and Widescreen

archive at dimage.deviantart

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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:27pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,photo

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mac mini in a Prius

at onedigitallife

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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:26pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,whips

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Combat Trailer

300 movie300 movie 2
behind the scenes of Frank Miller‘s 300 at apple


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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:21pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,film

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dNASAb’s ipod ecosystems



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Posted: March 3rd, 2007
at 11:01pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple

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ipod preservation


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Posted: February 26th, 2007
at 12:00pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple,green

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Apple the record label


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Posted: February 13th, 2007
at 5:51pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: apple

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